2008/12/18 Stephan Kulow <coolo@novell.com>:
Am Donnerstag, 18. Dezember 2008 09:10:40 schrieb Rastislav Krupanský:
Hi everyone,
If i can say something. I suppose we could wait for a new openSUSE survey, as we did in August - http://news.opensuse.org/2008/08/21/last-call-for-opensuse-survey/ There should be a question about schedule - how should developement period take, or how long development schedule do you wish - whether 6,8,9... months etc. Result could show which period plan would be ideal for most users/developers.
Btw, i also prefer longer release time, for example 8 or 9 months. 6 months is too short.
Oh, if you ask users they will want every 5 months a new release with tons of new features that works exactly like the release before. It's not so interesting what users prefer, this is something that is important for the developing community. My person guess is that users will accept any schedule as long as the outcoming release is good. And this is something we need to find out: how much time do we need to be good.
If we're voting then I much prefer the longer ~10month+ release cycle length. With only 6 months you're in feature freeze for half the year. Once you add on time to do fixes to released products, time to have a holiday, there's only about a month or so of time to do actual development between freezes. Then it's difficult to actually develop against it in that time (alpha) because there's a mad rush of changes throughout the entire stack which keep breaking your software. Longer release cycle has other benefits too. Less work for security team with fewer versions to support concurrently; Ditto third party packagers and ISVs; How many people really want to reinstall their OS every 6 months. and so on. Of course there's the argument that people always want the bleeding edge, but I think we cater for most of those quite well with unofficial packages in the buildservice and such. Changes spread out more throughout the year might also help make factory more stable for those who really want the latest, more people running factory can only be a good thing. -- Benjamin Weber -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-project+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-project+help@opensuse.org