Felix Miata wrote:
There are a couple of things I don't understand though:
Why are you so offended by a symbol that shows solidarity with the LGBTQ+
community? That does not seem to fit into a welcoming and open community like we are. TT community hijacked the long existing symbolism of the rainbow: Smith’s Bible Dictionary says that rainbows in the Bible are: “the token of the covenant which God made with Noah when he came forth from the ark that the waters should no more become a flood to destroy all flesh. The right interpretation of (Genesis 9:13) seems to be that God took the rainbow, which had hitherto been but a beautiful object shining in the heavens when the sun’s rays fell on falling rain, and consecrated it as the sign of his love and the witness of his promise. Ecclesiastes. 43:11. The rainbow is a symbol of God’s faithfulness and mercy. The “rainbow around the
Jens aka. Karatek composed on 2023-07-06 13:06 (UTC): throne” (Revelation 4:3 ) is seen as the symbol of hope and the bright emblem of mercy and love, all the more accurate as a symbol because it is reflected from the storm itself.” https://www.womanofnoblecharacter.com/rainbows-in-the-bible/
There is no need to get religion involved and no need to do accusations of symbols being hijacked. This thread is about being inclusive and welcoming or not being so.