Error in connection with the data source. SQLOD32.DLL
Dear my friends... I am using SuSE Linux 8.2, Star Office 6 and Adabas D ver.12 , Sun Java 2. I want to make a database application. I tried to make connection to my database on Adabas D with Star Office. What I did are : 1. Click Extra --> Data sources 2. Clich New Data Source. 3. Determine the parameters: - Name : prabudb - Connection, Database Type : Adabas - Datasource URL : sdbc:adabas:prabudb - Username : prabudba - Zeichensatz : system 4. Adabas D Statistic : - Control username : prabucon - Password : mypassword. But if I do connection with Username setting (Benutzereinstellung) than I will got this error message after type-in the password (username filled automatically) : " Error in connection with the data source. SQLOD32.DLL " In German : " Fehler bei der Verbindung mit der Datenquelle. SQLOD32.DLL. " If I click detail (Zus�tze) than I have this explanation : " Error code 1000. " In German : " Fehlercode : 1000 " I don't know where the problem. Please tell me what my mistakes. I can do login with control, Query Tools and Domain Tools. But I can not do login with Star Office 6. Please help me. Thank you very much in advance. --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Free online calendar with sync to Outlook(TM).
participants (1)
Prabu Subroto