executing application programmed in qt find error.
Dear my friends... I am using qt 3.2, postgres 7.2.x and SuSE 9.1. I managed to developed an application with qt for the first time (Thanks my friends...). Now I want to put the application on the user's computer. But if I execute the program, it does not run as I exepected. Here is the error message: " wallstreet@ss:~/kv> ls kvadmin kvclient tabeldata wallstreet@ss:~/kv> ./tabeldata& [1] 1768 wallstreet@ss:~/kv> ./tabeldata: relocation error: ./tabeldata: undefined symbol: _ZN7QWidget7repaintEb [1]+ Exit 127 ./tabeldata wallstreet@ss:~/kv> ./kvadmin& [1] 1774 wallstreet@ss:~/kv> ./kvadmin: relocation error: ./kvadmin: undefined symbol: _ZN7QActionC1EP7QObjectPKc [1]+ Exit 127 ./kvadmin wallstreet@ss:~/kv> ./kvclient& [1] 1779 wallstreet@ss:~/kv> ./kvclient: relocation error: ./kvclient: undefined symbol: _ZN7QActionC1EP7QObjectPKc [1]+ Exit 127 ./kvclient wallstreet@ss:~/kv> ./kvclient ./kvclient: relocation error: ./kvclient: undefined symbol: _ZN7QActionC1EP7QObjectPKc wallstreet@ss:~/kv> " Why is that so? Any body would be so generous to give me any solution and explanation why the programs run properly on my computer but not on other computer? It it because of the database driver of my qt for postgress? What should I do now? Thank you very much in advance. _______________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Express yourself with Y! Messenger! Free. Download now. http://messenger.yahoo.com
Prabu Subroto <prabu_subroto@yahoo.com> [30 Jul 2004 03:55:47 -0700]:
wallstreet@ss:~/kv> ./tabeldata: relocation error: ./tabeldata: undefined symbol: _ZN7QWidget7repaintEb
Different versions of libqt? Philipp
participants (2)
Philipp Thomas
Prabu Subroto