Frontpage 2002 Server Extensions

I just got done porting Microsoft Frontpage 2002 Server extensions to SuSE Linux 8.0 Professional and I thought I would post here so that others can benefit from my pains over the last two weeks. I am in the process of developing a website on my Linus box and I recently purchased Microsoft Frontpage 2002. To my great suprise I discovered that SuSE does not support Frontpage 2002 extensions (there is a frontpage 2000 (Version 4) package) and I was on my own to get the 2002 extensions working. To get things working, I needed patch my Apache server with a Frontpage patch which I got from and the 2002 server extensions package from the same site. Once I downloaded both is when things got interesting. To make a long story short, here are some of the things I found in getting things to finally work: 1) File mod_frontpage.c seems to have a bug in its initialization code. It expects tha Apache server to call the FrontPageInit() function twice so the code does nothing on the first call and then does the Initialization on the second call. Well it just so happens that, at least for my configuration, the FrontPageInit function is called multiple times, but only once in a given process (while code thinks it will get called twice in the same process). Not good. So I modified my mod_frontpage.c code to fix this. 2) I kept getting IMAGESDIRbluedot.gif errors in my Apache error log so I searched through the Internet and I found a discussion thread that had the fix. Fix was to change IMAGESDIRbluedot.gif to IMAGESDIR/bluedot.gif in file Webadmin.css under the frontpage home directory tree. 3) I can't recall, but it seemed like I had to move around the "gif" files because they were in a different frontpage directory than was coded in the HTML logic 4) When I would access the Administrative website web server through Internet Explorer, the admin pages would appear OK, but when I tried to execute an admin command, I would get a standard browser download box asking me to download a file from the server. After a lot of digging, I discovered that the mime type passed by the Apache server was set to "application/x-msdos-program" when passing header information to the browser. It needed to be set to "octet-stream". The program frontpage uses is called "fpadmcgi.exe" on the server and this program dynamically creates the html response. To make a long story short I fixed the problem by changing my "mime.type" associated with the apache server. The ".exe" extension was associated with two mime types, "octet-stream" and the "application/x-msdos-program" so I just got rid of it for the x-msdos-program mime type so that the server was forced to use "octet-stream". But I think the real solution is to use the mime_magic module, but I did not want to spend the time so for now I just edited mime.types 5) The "" script had some issues. For one, it always tries to install the stock (i.e prebuilt httpd version 1.3.19 apache executable even if you apply the Frontpage patch to a later version of the http daemon. Not good. In addition to that, it uses "strings -a" on your httpd executable to search for the keyword "FrontPage". But if you build the patch as a DSO module (i.e, the "strings -a | grep FrontPage" command finds nothing and the script things you have not installed the Frontpage patch. Not good at all. 6) I ran into a problem where the script prompted me to create the admin server and it created it as a virtual server by updating the bottom of my http.conf file. It had a "Listen 2200" placed in the httpd.conf file when it defined the virtual server. It just so happened that that was the only "Listen" directive in my conf file. I had a "Port 80" directive in my file and I though I would get a server listening on the port 80 and on port 2200, but the listen overode the "Port 80{ directive and I only had one server listenning on port 2200. Bottom line is that I needed to put in a "Listen 80" directive once the script put in the "Listen 2200" directive. I hope this helps someone so that they don't waste as much time as I did getting this thing to work....
participants (1)
Dan Jaksic