Hi there, I have problems recompiling several SRPMS packages. Basically, all SRPMS containing the %fillup_prereq, %insserv_prereq, %suse_version macros in their SPEC files. Questions are: where are these macros defined (I mean, which RPMS) and which tool(s) parse(s) and/or interpret(s) these macros? Thank you. ------------------------------------------ Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr

* emeric.maschino@voila.fr (emeric.maschino@voila.fr) [030519 11:13]:
I have problems recompiling several SRPMS packages. Basically, all SRPMS containing the %fillup_prereq, %insserv_prereq, %suse_version macros in their SPEC files. Questions are: where are these macros defined (I mean, which RPMS) and which tool(s) parse(s) and/or interpret(s) these macros?
/usr/lib/rpm/suse_macros mostly. rpm expands these. -- -ckm
participants (2)
Christopher Mahmood