%s/weather/whether/g :) Jonathan Paul Cowherd Linux and Java Administrator Genscape, Inc. Email: jonathan.cowherd@genscape.com Office: (502) 583-3730 Mobile: (502) 314-0444
-----Original Message----- From: Jonathan Cowherd [mailto:jonathan.cowherd@genscape.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 6:09 PM To: 'jlm@compgen.com' Cc: 'suse-programming-e@suse.com' Subject: RE: [suse-programming-e] bash script
Change to where you expect the scripts to be. I believe it must be under the same directory as the document's root.
Not necessarly. You can setup apache to execute cgi in any directory. Check out mod_cgi @ apache's website for more info.
If you are just trying to execute this in the shell then I will try not to overlap John's response. Check the permissions on the directory where the file is stored. The execute bit must be on for the user. Here is a directory I store stuff in:
drwxrwxrwx 2 jlm dev 1112 Nov 14 15:54 /home/jlm/bin
If the execute bit on the directory is not on then nothing in the directory is allowed to execute.
The directory needs to be executable in order to change to it, the directory being executable does not determine weather the files can be executed, only the files themselves.
Jonathan Paul Cowherd Linux and Java Administrator Genscape, Inc. Email: jonathan.cowherd@genscape.com Office: (502) 583-3730 Mobile: (502) 314-0444