4 Mar
4 Mar
Allen Seelye wrote:
Oops, one other vital piece of information. These errors are popping up when running make. I have already run "qmake -project" and "qmake" with no problems.
You're looking for a file called libqt-mt.so, which is almost certainly in some lib directory and not any of the ones listed in /etc/ld.so.conf I'd guess it's in /usr/lib/qt/lib but I could easily be wrong. Once you know where it is, I think you can do $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/qt/lib make substituting as necessary. -- JDL Non enim propter gloriam, diuicias aut honores pugnamus set propter libertatem solummodo quam Nemo bonus nisi simul cum vita amittit.