Is this one of the qt examples?????
No, I copied the code from the tutorial on trolltech's website.
What is in the *.pro file????
###################################################################### # Automatically generated by qmake (1.06c) Fri Mar 5 09:02:57 2004 ###################################################################### TEMPLATE = app CONFIG -= moc INCLUDEPATH += $QTDIR/include # Input SOURCES += main.cpp This actually solved the first part of my problem with make not finding the include files. The INCLUDEPATH entry here originally was blank. I set it to $QTDIR/include and that part of the issue went away. I never bothered to look in the .pro file. I just assumed that qmake set it up correctly for me. Many thanks. Still at a loss about telling it where to find libqt-mt.so. It's where it's supposed to be in /usr/lib/qt3/lib and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH is pointed there but make just isn't seeing it. -- Allen Seelye Alleninmt@yahoo.com A Linux user since 1999. --------------- "It's a trick, get an axe."