Prabu Subroto wrote:
Dear my friends...
I am a very beginner in Qt. I am still learning hard this programming tool.
I made it to do a sql connection inserting a record into my MySQL Database Server;
I want to get a text value of a lineEdit which typed in by the user of my program (if I succeed to master Qt) and processed my by code as put it into a SQL Query or else. In Kylix I do it very simply, just do like this : " a=TEdit1.Text; ".
if I do "lineEdit1." then I find only set<<...>> property and slot diplayed on the Qt Designer display as a hint.
From Mac Qt 3.3.1 docs via QTAssistant. LineEdit1.text -> from this propertie you get a QString Object. LineEdit1.text() -> from this function you get a QString Object.
Please tell me how to get the value in the lineEdit widget.
Thank you very much.
Hope this helps, Stefan.