Op zondag 9 november 2003 03:01, schreef Philipp Thomas:
Richard Bos <radoeka@xs4all.nl> [Sat, 8 Nov 2003 22:21:11 +0100]:
I understand that XFree86-devel depends on cpp, but XFree itself no. Is this a dependency bug?
AFAIR, cpp is used for resource handling. But it's only preprocessing of non C code, so almost any cpp should do.
Philipp, thanks for your feedback. The spec file explicitely list the dependency to lib/cpp: Name: XFree86 Requires: xf86tools /lib/cpp In the changelog the following update has been made: * Thu Mar 22 2001 - sndirsch@suse.de - added '/lib/cpp' to Requires: of xf86 (needed by xrdb) May I question this dependency, why should xrdb need cpp? As the man page says The C preprocessor is intended to be used only with C, C++, and Objective-C source code. Of course the dependency is not just added like that, it would therefor be interesting to know why xrdb needs it. Anyhow, perhaps the dependency should be reconsidered and be removed? -- Richard Bos Without a home the journey is endless