Steven T. Hatton wrote:
These files are not created by automake. Just touch them. If you use cvs, look for the script. It is a very nice and simple tool to create ChangeLog files from cvs log.
Thanks for the tip.
Nice. I didn't know of such a thing.
BTW, I guess I would be incorrect to assume any of the autotools sniff for new source files and automatically add them?
Correct. You have to add the source files to the appropriate Fortunately, that usually means little more than adding your file to the end of the *_SOURCES list in and running make. If has changed, make will rerun enough autotools stuff to (usually) detect the sources you added. -- JDL Non enim propter gloriam, diuicias aut honores pugnamus set propter libertatem solummodo quam Nemo bonus nisi simul cum vita amittit.