3 Mar
3 Mar
John Lamb <J.D.Lamb@btinternet.com> [Tue, 02 Mar 2004 18:32:29 +0000]:
Now a few extras # touch NEWS README AUTHORS ChangeLog creates some files the GNU build expects for automake to work. You'll
Not if tell automake that this is foreign, i.e. not a GNU project.
also need some standard incantations: # aclocal # autoheader # automake -a # autoconf
Since you're requiring 2.57, you can just as well simply call autoreconf --force --install which also has that added benefit that it will recurse through subdirs.
Sure, it takes some getting used to in Java, but once you accept things are as they are, and are willing to work with them, it works quite well.
And Java will get generics with the next version, i.e. templates for Java :) Philipp