1 May
1 May
Jerry Feldman wrote : | On Tue, 29 Apr 2003 14:18:25 -0400 (PYT) | | Raúl Gutiérrez Segalés <rau@campoalto.edu.py> wrote: | > Excuse my ignorance, but you cant mix signal(for SIGCHLD) and waitpid | > right? | | Sure you can. If you have a signal handler, the child generates a signal | to the parent. If you issue a waitpid(2), it should fail if that child | is no longer running. Yes that's correct, this doesn't explain however why a kill-waitpid sequence fials ! does it. It strikes me as a bit odd (to say the least) that the kill-waitpid sequence doesn't work, the man pages give no clue why this would result in a zombie. grtz Dries -- <End of message>