Pierre Patino wrote:
Greetings I've just emerged from a full day of hacking. It all started when I downloaded the latest update for SuSE 9.3. Along with everything else I accepted the kernel update ( knowing full well I would have to deal with another iteration of the nvidia graphics driver download. After all the updates were properly sucked in and disseminated, I rebooted my computer. All of the boot sequence went well. However, the machine went into an endless login loop:
while (1) { show login screen for 800ms clear screen }
I was able to CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE to get to a non-graphics login and then tried to figure out what was happening. startx would exit saying that kdeconfigure or some other binary in /opt/kde3/bin would fail. Upon closer examination, I was able to determine that the kde applications would complain of being "unable to load shared library lxxxxx.so.xxx". I used ldd, export LD_DEBUG=all, strace -f and other utilities to determine that the binary was unable to load the libkxxxx.so.y library. However, I was able to find the library manually at exactly the same location that the binary was complaining about. For example, I would see in strace:
... open("/lib64/libkxxxx.so.4", O_RDONLY) = 3 read(3, "\177ELF\2\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0>\0\1\0\0\0\360\21\0"..., 640) = 640 ... "/lib64/libkxxxx.so.4 not found!" (or something like that) .....
ls -la /lib64/libkxxxx.so.4 had not problems finding the file with wide open permissions.
After trying many other fruitless paths, I was able to recover by pointing /opt/kde3 to an older partition.
I assume that even though the shared object files were found, they must have lacked some signature
Questions: Is there some fine-grained tool that would have told me sooner what was going on? Am I the only one that has gone through this torture?
TIA& Cheers
P.S. Am I blowing etiquette by posting on two groups?
You are talking about ONE specific library, right? Check /etc/ld.so.conf contains /opt/kde3/lib64, libkxxxx - the "k" suggests a KDE library which I'd expect to be in /opt/kde3/lib64. "l /lib64/libk*" says no such file or directory here - so if a KDE library exists in /lib64, it seems erroneous, you could rename it, run ldconfig and have another try. Regards Sid. -- Sid Boyce ... Hamradio License G3VBV, licensed Private Pilot Retired IBM/Amdahl Mainframes and Sun/Fujitsu Servers Tech Support Specialist Microsoft Windows Free Zone - Linux used for all Computing Tasks