Kai-Uwe Schmidt wrote : | > even be able to check errno to see what happened). | | [Kai-Uwe Schmidt] hm, this sounds like an idea, but my tests show that | status=select(iClientConnect+1,NULL,&fs_write,NULL,&timeout) returns 1 | and status=read(iClientConnect,&c,0) returns 0. Even when I do a | system("netstat -an | grep <myport>"); before. The system() shows | nothing after 20 sec where I killed the client-connect. Means IMHO that | the kernel doesnt know anything about the socket anymore. | | But iWritten=send(iClientConnect,"Test",strlen("Test"),0) crashes the | process even without writing a core file. | | No clue how to proceed, sounds like a bug in my eyes. | | Kai-Uwe Well, imho there should be a kernel routine to see what status your connection is in, but there isn't. I got the read zero - bytes trick from the web somewhere. I myself however use the 'select sees there is data to be read but we read 0 bytes' trick, that works for me. I'll try to see where i got the read 0 bytes trick from ! Grtz dries -- <End of message>