Thanks Trey / Charly / Jerry. I have got the code running now. Your right about the C thing. I'm currently wrestling with the fact that my lecturer probably grew up with C and is pushing all his C habbits into our C++ class. I am constantly trying to alter the way he teaches to follow the C++ standard, but as I have only been learning programming for about 3-4 months, its difficult to manage. Anyway, I have a very strange bug in my program which I can't seem to iron out. When I add more stock via the number1 in the menu, everything is fine and I can build the stock up, however, if I then try and save this to file (via menu num 4) is doesn't always save my new stock, it stays as it was. e.g. I currently have 11 items in stock. If I go to add another item, it doesn't seem to save them.....I thought maybe it wasn't updating 'num_stock_items' but am unsure. I've tried messing about with gdb and I seem to be getting strange values for the integers I tried int ans, ctr; int num_stock_items = 0; int num_bill_items = 0; I've had no real experience with gdb, only from reading through the man file, so I may be doing something wrong. Can anyone see why it may not be saving correctly? Here is my updated program (excuse the bad layout in the 'print bill' function, I have not mastered text formatting yet) I'll continue when I've got this bug sorted, as I have already done twice the work for this assignment required. I'm just playing to further my knowledge now. (plus the shot of a distinction...heh) #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <conio.h> //for getch() #include <iomanip> using namespace std; const int NUM_OF_ITEMS = 125; struct StockItem { int code; char desc[20]; float price; }stock[NUM_OF_ITEMS]; struct BillLine { StockItem stock; float weight; float cost; }bill_line[50]; /* struct bill { bill_line items[20]; int num_lines; }; */ void cls(void) { system("cls"); } //function designed to aid portability. void disp_menu( void ); StockItem enter_data( void ); void delete_data( StockItem* ); void see_stock( StockItem*, int ); void writeToDisk( StockItem*, int ); int readFromDisk( StockItem* ); BillLine bill_item( void ); void print_bill ( BillLine*, int ); int main() { int ans, ctr; int num_stock_items = 0; int num_bill_items = 0; do { do { disp_menu(); cin >> ans; } while ((ans<1) || (ans>9)); switch (ans) { case 1: stock[num_stock_items] = enter_data(); num_stock_items++; break; case 2: delete_data( stock ); num_stock_items -= 1; break; case 3: see_stock(stock, num_stock_items); break; case 4: writeToDisk( stock, num_stock_items ); // NOT writing the whole array to disk. break; case 5: num_stock_items = readFromDisk( stock ); // setting the number items we read from file break; case 6: bill_line[num_bill_items] = bill_item(); num_bill_items++; break; case 7: print_bill( bill_line, num_bill_items ); break; default: break; } }while (ans!=8); return 0; } void disp_menu() { cout << "\n*** The Corner Shop ***\n\n"; cout << "Select an option: \n\n"; cout << "\t1. Enter new stock item " << endl; cout << "\t2. Delete stock item " << endl; cout << "\t3. See current stock " << endl; cout << "\t4. Save stock to disk " << endl; cout << "\t5. Load stock from disk " << endl; cout << "\t6. Enter purchase order " << endl; cout << "\t7. Print Bill " << endl; cout << "\t8. Exit \n" << endl; cout << "option> "; } StockItem enter_data(void) { StockItem stock_item; cls(); cout << "\n\nWhat is the product code: "; cin >> stock_item.code; cout << "What is the product description: "; cin.ignore(); cin.getline(stock_item.desc, 20); cout << "What is the product price: "; cin >> stock_item.price; cls(); return (stock_item); } void delete_data(StockItem stock[NUM_OF_ITEMS] ) { StockItem stock_temp[NUM_OF_ITEMS]; int item, n=0; cls(); cout << "Enter item to delete "; cin >> item; item -= 1; for(int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_ITEMS; i++) { if(i == item) ++n; stock_temp[i] = stock[n]; ++n; } for(int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_ITEMS; i++) stock[i] = stock_temp[i]; cls(); } void see_stock(StockItem stock[NUM_OF_ITEMS], int num_stock_items) { int ctr; cls(); cout << "\n\nHere is the stock listing:\n\n"; for (ctr = 0; ctr < num_stock_items; ++ctr) { cout << "Item " << ctr+1 << endl; cout << "Product Code: " << stock[ctr].code << endl; cout << "Product Description: " << stock[ctr].desc << endl; cout << "Price: " << stock[ctr].price << endl; cout << "------------------------------------------------\n"; } cout << "\nHit any key to continue.....\n"; getch(); cls(); } void writeToDisk( StockItem* array, int numOfItems ) { ofstream outfile( "items.txt" ); if (outfile.bad()) { cout << "\n*** Error opening file ***\n"; } for( int index = 0; index < numOfItems; index++ ) outfile.write( (char*)&array[index], sizeof(StockItem) ); cls(); } int readFromDisk( StockItem* array ) { int numOfItems = 0; ifstream infile( "items.txt" ); if (infile.bad()) { cout << "\n*** Error opening file ***\n"; } StockItem tmp_stockItem; // read from the file until we reach EOF while( (char*)&tmp_stockItem, sizeof(tmp_stockItem) ) ) { // after a successfull read we store the the item into the array memcpy( &array[numOfItems], &tmp_stockItem, sizeof( array[numOfItems] ) ); numOfItems++; } cls(); // returning the number of array items we read from the file return numOfItems; } BillLine bill_item(void) { BillLine bill; int item; cls(); cout << "Enter item number purchased: "; cin >> item; item -= 1; bill.stock = stock[item]; cout << "Weight: "; cin >> bill.weight; bill.cost = stock[item].price * bill.weight; cls(); return (bill); } void print_bill ( BillLine bill_line[50], int num_bill_items ) { cls(); cout << "THE CORNER SHOP\n\n"; cout << "Product " << setw(20) << "Kilos" << setw(20) << "Cost(£)" << endl; for (int i=0; i<num_bill_items; ++i) { cout << bill_line[i].stock.desc << setw(20) << bill_line[i].weight << setw(20) << bill_line[i].cost << endl; } cls(); } On 12 January 2004 20:18 Trey Gruel wrote:
I think that Trey's comments are legitimate, but not the solution. bill.stock is a single instance of a stock item. I think you might be able to cast this: bill.stock = *<static_cast<StockItem *>(&stock[item]);
What you apparently want to do is to copy a single instance. Or you can use the memcpy function.
looking at the full code, i don't see why bill.stock is an array. the only places it's used, it's always treated as a single instance. setting it to a pointer as you describe is probably the most memory efficient, but he would have to check in his delete_data function if the stock he's deleting is referenced by bill. this seems to be a program for a beginning level class and i'm not sure how far they've gotten. as such, i would suggest copying the data instead of pointing to it.
But, it appears that your code is really C being compiled with a C++ compiler.
that's pretty much the way most colleges are teaching it nowadays. stuff that could be taught in c (or even more simple langauges) all being taught in c++ or java. as it is, he is using c++ iostream for is user io. note: i didn't give a specific solution out of old habit. when i was a ta, i found that most students remembered solutions better if they found it themselves. because of that i tended to only help them find the problem and set them loose to find the solution. if they were still having trouble, i'd give them a nudge or two in the right direction, but would never simply give the solution to the problem at hand. -- trey