Jerry and others, thank you for your thoughts and idea's sofar, but I still did not find the cause. I would like to try the following: - At 8.2 if possible install the suse-9.0 gcc-c++ compiler. This is version 3.3.1 while 8.2 comes with 3.3. That way I can detect if the problem is introduced by the compiler change. Oh the other way is possible too of course, install gcc-c++-3.3 in suse-9.0. Does anyone see problem with down/up grading the compiler? Op zaterdag 8 november 2003 15:12, schreef Jerry Feldman:
This is a C-style string - I try to avoid them because std::string is better - and should be null terminated. I think the compiler should null terminate the strings for you, but if it doesn't it should just spew out what it finds as characters until it finds a null character or segfaults. That may be what you're seeing.
The literal string (e.g. "xxxxxx") is always nul terminated in C or C++. And, std::string uses the c-string internally.
In any case, from the looks of the garbage, I'm wondering if Richard might have a problem with the locale. I don't suspect that the problem is with the iostream package per se.
-- Richard Bos Without a home the journey is endless