I have the problem of debugging a huge cod (that I had to change) on a Linux cluster "cpile". Of course I can connect to cpile from my home desktop running SuSE 9.1 In spite of Comcast fast internet having at the same time the Portland Group debugger (pgdbg) running on cpile but displaying on my home box s and a couple of remote terminal-windows opened on cpile and running Konqueror remotely to browse the manualls on-line on cpile ....... slows down my debugging process. Expecially browsing the on-line P.G. documentation (residing on cpile) is a pain ... On the other in the department where I work they only have Windows boxes from which I cannot connect to cpile (Linux cluster) without installing cross-platform packages that require time and experience to make them working. ... I do not have either one at the moment. I was advice to use Knoppix ... I do not know what is is and what it is for ... I wa told: "Have you tried knoppix? It's a cd-only based linux distribution. You can boot directly off of the CD and don't need to install." Does this mean that Knoppix replaces the current operating system even if it does not get installed ? Does it run on top of Windows ? I'm questioning the speed of this solution ... How fast can my debugging get if the poor PC processor has to access the CD to be able to connect to cpile and take care of all the message/data exchange between the PC and the Linux cluster.... I'd appreciate your comments and advice about it .. . Thank you in advance, Maura