On Mon, 24 Mar 2003 04:24:24 -0800 (PST) Prabu Subroto <prabu_subroto@yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear Jerry...
Firstly, thank you for your help.
There are some things that I have not understood.
1. If I want to make my web server (Apache) may write into "/srv/www/htdocs/iamsoft/ngitung.txt", how should I do that? Make the iamsoft directory writable. But be very careful since by making it writable you open it up to a multitude of security risks.
2. If I want to make a writable directory, how should I do that? use the chmod command (eg. chmod o+w directory). I'm not going to go into the details. I suggest that you do not make your main document directories writable for security issues, which is why I suggested a symlink.
3. If I can also use symlink, how should I do that? Is it somewhat like "ln -s"? ln -s /tmp/ngitung.txt /srv/www/htdocs/iamsoft/ You need to have permission in /srv/www/htdocs/iamsoft/ to set the link (eg. become root).
Note that Apache should be running as the "nobody" user.