Hi, I have some problem with recursive automake works. Here's the project directory structure: testauto/ build/ config/ src/ main.c hello.h hello.c Makefile.am Makefile.am configure.in Basically, main.c includes hello.h and will be linked to hello.c. The content of testauto/Makefile.am is: SUBDIRS = src The content of testauto/configure.in is: AC_INIT(testauto, 1.0, [me@my.machine.com], testauto) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR(src/hello.c) AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR(config) AC_SUBST(builddir, build) AC_PREFIX_DEFAULT(/tmp/testauto) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE AC_PROG_CC AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile src/Makefile]) AC_OUTPUT And the content of testauto/src/Makefile.am is: bin_PROGRAMS = testauto testauto_SOURCES = main.c hello.c hello.h INCLUDES = -I$(top_builddir) -I$(top_srcdir) Then, I run aclocal, automake -ac, autoconf, configure, and make. When I run make, it first run "config/missing --aclocal-1.7". AFAIK, this will require aclocal. How can I make "make" does not need to run "missign -aclocal"? Am I missing something? One more questions: I've set $(builddir) to directory "build", but all *.o and the binary "testauto" are still put in directory "src"? -- -- Verdi March --