Re: [suse-ppc] openSuSE v10.2 goals?

Yeah, but at least we are given the option of removing some things from the installation. My gripe has more to do with stuff that YaST swears is a dependency like K-Pilot and all the other crap that isn't needed. And, it could also be the coder's fault. Operating Systems today are really a disaster. IMHO, I think that when a program is installed, it should be installed under a directory like /programs and ALL of it's files should go in that directory. Ex. - OpenOffice should be installed in the /programs/openoffice-2.02 directory and all it's files should be under it. Then, the OS should have a list of al the files that the program installs, so that when you remove it you don't have to search for stuff. It's not that hard to do this. It just requires that programmers be required to follow a strict set of rules. Too many programmers and especially commercial programs want to install themselves everywhere. Further, SuSE doesn't use all the standard file system conventions of the full Linux system. I would like to see more use of the United Linux or Linux Standard Base specs. Also, a universal installer is a real need. Having specific RPMs for not only each distro like Red Hat and SuSE, you have different RPMs for different versions of the same distro. That's a huge problem and a great deal of extra work that is really uneccessary. The one advantage that my friends runing Windows have is that when they get some software, they know it will install. With Linux, I have to look for the RPM for my distro and version. And, then if it is not available, I have to compile from source, which doesn't always work because of changing dependencies......It's too frustrating for most people. Sometimes, I wonder why I bother. I would have stuck with OS/2 if they would have kept it going. It worked, and it worked well. -----Original Message----- From: Nathan Moore <>
memory to have these unneccessary files forced on us. I don't even install OpenOffice. KOffice does just fine for me.
I'll second that, vim+LaTeX is just fine for me. ___________________________________________________ Try the New Netscape Mail Today! Virtually Spam-Free | More Storage | Import Your Contact List
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