Hello, I had many problems configuring X on a Powerbook G3 (don't ask me which one, it is black and noting is written on the box to identify it): impossible to launch X server except once with color depth 8. SAX2 crashed and there is no good old SAX1 to try manual configuration. Thus I finally went to the following url and downloaded all the packages of XFree86 4.2.0 ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/ppc/supplementary/X/suse73/4.2.0/ I read the instructions of url: http://sdb.suse.de/en/sdb/html/olh_ppc_71_xf420.html What SuSE does not say is in what order to install the rpm packages and I had a lot of "missing dependencies" messages and lost a lot of time trying different sequences. Other loss of time: message like "conflict with XFree86 4.1 lib" or something like that. Thus I deleted all the X packages with Yast Finally I managed to install all the packages and ... miracle ... SAX2 worked without problem and I can now use KDE2 on my laptop at a resolution of 1024x768. My graphic card is a Ati Mach 64. -- Alain Barthélemy

At 9:14 PM +0100 2/5/02, Alain Barthelemy wrote:
I had many problems configuring X on a Powerbook G3 (don't ask me which one, it is black and noting is written on the box to identify it):
If knowing which model is important, maybe this web page will help: <http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/powerbook_g3/index.html>
participants (2)
Alain Barthelemy
John Koenig