booting and console with suse7.1 on titanium
hi there! i'm very happy about my running suse7.1 - system on my g4-titanium, but there are to problems left: 1.) booting with selection between macosX (first hfs+partition) macos9 (second hfs+partition) suselinux (third hfs partition) it would be so nice if i could select one of them with my mousepad - can anybody help me (PLEASE!) 2.) its so hard for me due to the cons.saver or the apmd (not running!) that everytime when i'm thinking the console switches to black and doesn't come back so that i have to switch to another and back if i want to continue my work. is there a possibility to turn this feature off completely or tty by tty ? can anybody help me (PLEASE!) btw. is there a special version for tleds/xtleds working on the powerbook? greetings to all of you... ben
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