Merci à tous, thanks to all Alain Le Mardi 26 Mars 2002 10:56, vous avez écrit :
Le 26/03/02 9:52, « abarthel » <> a écrit :
Sorry a little off-topic.
I have to install MacOSX on all stations where I work. The standard installation is easy and you can have all the MS softs without problem (beuargh!) and somme packages like Apache are easy to install if you have the installation package (.pkg or something like that)
Problem: I did not succeeded till now to install a soft from the source code (tarball, etc ...). I tried Fink and finally it seems to work.
Do you know a good mailing-list where I can find somme useful help for MacOSX or a good doculmentation?
In case you speak french, have a look at : <>
Later, Yann
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