Hello I am brand new to SuSE 9.3 . Before I start loading the OS I would like to know how to find out if anyone knows of a sata controller that has linux drivers? I knoticed that mine (SATA3112-150I or 150R) does not support linux. I want to use a sata hard drive for my primary drive. Thank you for your direction. Regards, I am brand new to SuSE 9.3 . Before I start loading the OS I would like to know how to find out if anyone knows of a sata controller that has linux drivers? I knoticed that mine (SATA3112-150I or 150R) does not support linux. I want to use a sata hard drive for my primary drive. Regards, Please visit Ansver... http://www.suse-tr.com/forumeng/viewtopic.php?t=89 --------------------------------- Yahoo! kullaniyor musunuz? Simdi, 1GB e-posta saklama alani sunuyor http://tr.mail.yahoo.com --------------------------------- Yahoo! kullaniyor musunuz? Istenmeyen postadan biktiniz mi? Istenmeyen postadan en iyi korunma Yahoo! Posta’da http://tr.mail.yahoo.com