-----Original Message----- From: pczanik@fang.fa.gau.hu
Currently I use a 1Ghz G4 CPU (a Pegasos), but hope to upgrade that to a dual 970MP in a few months :-) The packages are not optimized for the G4, at least not intentionally.h Some packages use Altivec optimizations automatically, if PPC is detected, and as another non programmer, I can't help on this. But most of the packages should work fine on a G3.
When I compile stuff on my G3s, It always shows it is compiling for Altivec. I had always assumed that if you compile something for your hardware that it would compile it for that system's particular optimizations. Like if you compile for a P3, you don't get SSE2 compiled in since the P3 doesn't support SSE2. Seems like compiling in Altivec support on G3 systems would bloat the end result some. I would have expected the ./configure script would detect stuff like the G3 vs G4 and optimize accordingly. The packages do work, but I have had problems with MPlayer. I would expect a G3/466 to be able to play an XviD since a P-II/400 can, but maybe it has to do with the code being more optimized for the x86 and less optimized for the PPCs...... I dunno. ________________________________________________________________________ Check Out the new free AIM(R) Mail -- 2 GB of storage and industry-leading spam and email virus protection.