I tried hard... but...
On Sat, Jul 29, Stephane Bagnier wrote:
http://www.chez.com/bentoi/linuxppc/fr-imac.tar.gz and i modified my XF86Config file, adding XkbDisable and XkbKeymap "usb-fr-macintosh" in the Keyboard section. This work fine ! ... but the XF86Config file is scratched at each linux boot...
Olaf Hering wrote:
Please look at these pages, it will solve the problem. http://sdb.suse.de/sdb/en/html/olh_ppc_framebuffer.html http://sdb.suse.de/sdb/en/html/olh_ppc_international_keymaps.html
I printed these pages, downloaded the packages, reinstalled from scratch the SuSE linux default system and applied carefully the instructions of olh_ppc_international_keymaps.html, but: 1/ the keymap is still broken, no enhancement. 2/ now i cant go to the console mode anymore ! I tried Command-F[1-12], nothing works... so, up to now i cant use your distribution... Stephane Bagnier.