Uwe Kiewel wrote:
Am Die, 2002-11-19 um 23.05 schrieb Benjamin Bacon:
SuSE friends,
1. How do you, if you can, restart the SuSE firewall. I am not using the personal firewall. There are three files in /etc/init.d/SuSEfirewall_*. If I change certain rules do I only need to restart SuSEfirewall_final?
/sbin/rcSuSEfirewall2 restart
OK, this touches on something I've never been able to figure out, and I'd be grateful if someone could further enlighten us. At boot time SuSEfirewall runs several times, called by several of the init.d's, while concurrently the network gets established by other calls to (in my case) dhcpcd and such. It seems important that these run in tandem and not, say, one at boot time and the other later. (For dhcpcd needs open ports to do its thing; and SuSEfirewall needs the assigned IP for some of the rules it makes.) So if I wanted to restart *both* at a later time (e.g. in the event that dhcpcd timed out at boot time), how should I proceed? I guess this ought to be doable without reboot... but I never found out how. Anyone?