On Mon, Feb 12, 2001 at 07:56:05PM +0000, Andrew Montague wrote:
Can you explain how you got yaboot working? I have a B+W G3 with 2 hard drives. On my master drive I have OS9, OS X and Linux, I use my slave for back-up purposes. I have a linux bootstrap partition, in HFS format on the Master drive. I can't get yaboot to boot into Linux. I have to boot up from the CD,
Andrew Montague
Sure, I'll try to help. I used the very detailed instructions found at <http://www.alaska.net/~erbenson/ybin/doc/yaboot-faq.html>. The link to 'how to partion my hard drive?' and getting a decent Apple_bootstrap partition set up was essential reading for me. First, a couple of questions, can you send me your yaboot.conf and is your bootstrap partition an invisible 800k partition? Not a 'Linux Boot' partition that suse suggests setting up. suse botch yaboot into working. using ybin/yaboot and a bootstrap takes some patience but seems to me a much cleaner way of booting up. Please make sure you have the latest ybin package. cheers joss -- http://www.josswinn.org/PGP_key.html