Subject: Re: where's the 2nd and 3rd button? Date: Sat, 07 Oct 2000 11:49:32 +0200 From: Roland Hebertinger <>
I found a solution for the Problem... at least that works on my Pismo...
Fn + alt + MouseButton = right click alt + Mousebutton = middle click
From the German manual: Mittlere Maustaste? Meine Maus hat eine Taste! Bei 1-Tasten-Mäusen, die an Macintosh-Rechnern üblich sind, werden die mittlere und rechte Maustaste durch Strg bzw.Apfel emuliert. Beispiel für die mittlere Maustaste:Strg drücken loslassen die Maustaste drücken und schon klappt auch das Pasten wie gewohnt!
from <.../doku_en-6.html >
6. FAQ, Frequently Asked Questions
How can I use my Apple Mouse with three buttons; to copy & paste under X11?
SuSE has extended the Linux Kernel so that you can emulate more mouse buttons.
- For the left Mouse Button: Press CTRL, let go, and then press the mouse button.
- For the middle Mouse Button: Press ALT, let go, and then press the mouse button.
All these did not work for me on the Performa 6400/200. After a complete re-installation of 6.4, mouse button emulation works now fine with control + mouse click: right mouse button command + mouse click: middle mouse button Heinz