Roberto; The G4 Jim Airola used was borrowed and he returned it after installing SuSE SLES 8. Note that Jim used SLES 8, not SuSE Linux, and got a special file from Olaf Hering to put on the disk. I'll get the scoop from Jim. Ron Parrish IBM Boulder, Colorado, USA |---------+----------------------------> | | Roberto Dohnert | | | <webwarrior@gnu-d| | | arwin.org> | | | | | | 07/30/2003 09:03 | | | AM | | | | |---------+---------------------------->
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | To: Ronald Parrish/Boulder/IBM@IBMUS, suse-ppc@suse.com | | cc: | | Subject: Re: [suse-ppc] SLES on the Apple PowerMac G5 | | | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
SuSE doesnt support the Apple PowerMacs anymore except with SuSE Linux 7.3 PowerPC edition. If he got SLES set up on a PowerMac G4 can you tell him to write up a howto, because I for one would like to be able to get that done, I have 2 G4s sitting here collecting dust. On Wednesday 30 July 2003 10:41, Ronald Parrish wrote:
A few months ago, Olaf Hering helped Jim Airola install SLES 8.0 on a PowerMac G4. I was wondering if SLES will install on the G5. Any SuSE support? Thanks; Ron
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