On 02.07.2002 (d-m-y), Ronny Schröder wrote:
I have Problems installing any network-card on my PM 6400.
The "onbaord" Apple LAN-Card in the CSII-Slot works in the moment after the Installation, ut if I use yast to configure something from this time on my network-card is death.
Have you chosen the correct module? It seems to me as if SuSE still has to do a little job in what concerns several NICs on the PPC side...;-)
So I bought me another card with a Realtek 8139 chipset.
Uh... Those NICs ara hardly worth the name NIC...;-) But I'm using them, too - at home. ;-)
With this card its the same .... it does not work ....
I also ran into problems with my RTL8139. My Mac is an Old World Umax Pulsar, and I did'nt succeed in getting the NIC running with YaST. I had to change the module's name manually. Have a look at the file /etc/modules.conf (or was it conf.modules?). You have to change "rtl8139" into "8139too" (if I remember correctly). The same change has to be done in /etc/rc.config. I suppose this is a well-known problem at Suse because it occurred already in the 7.0 version for Intel AFAIR. Olaf?
But I don´t give up.
Fine. ;-)
I installed Linux on my G3 B/W 350 with the onbaord card it was like on the PM6400, it does not work.
So I tried here the Realtek-card. and the result -->> It works.
Hmm... That doesn't support my thesis...;-)
So cann someone of you give me some tips or reason, how i can install one of my network-cards on my PM 6400 ?!?!
I Work with an PM 6400 with 64 MB RAM a 1GB SCSI-HD and a 2GB IDE HD I use Suse PPC 7.1
Maybe you should try what I've written above... hth, Christian PS: There are several mail servers that gave got problems with umlauts in mails' headers. Maybe you should change "Schröder" into "Schroeder"... Just a hint...;-) CS -- Christian Schmidt schmidtc@chemie.uni-hamburg.de