On Fri, May 11, 2001 at 03:21:36PM +0200, Olaf Hering wrote:
On Thu, May 10, Joss Winn wrote:
the thing I still haven't resolved is why since upgrading to SUSE 7.1, I haven't been able to put a .procmailrc in my home folder and have it work. I get kernel messages about there being a suspicious procmailrc file. Having it in /etc is fine but it still doesn't pick up everything as well as the 7.0 installation did.
Can you post the error messages?
Here is my console output: May 10 22:09:19 May 12 00:47:13 linux procmail[20837]: Suspicious rcfile "/home/joss/.procmailrc" This is the same file that worked in SUSE 7.0 and is basically a simple adaptation of the example files that come with procmail. It is ineffective when I put it in my home folder and produces the above output. -- http://www.josswinn.org/humour.html