Hi, I've deciided to give mol another go but am still having familiar results. Basically, I get a black screen which then turns grey and hangs without a chime. I've attached my molrc and terminal output if it makes any sense to you. I hope someone can help. No-one has answered my requests on the mol mailing list before and it seems to be a very common problem. thanks very much joss iMac Summer 2000, 256MB RAM, 2.4.2 kernel, Mac OS 9.04J, latest mol rom for 2.4 kernel. Same results with 2.2.18 kernel. Followed set up instructions at suse.com. -- http://www.josswinn.org -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.12 GPA/ED$/GH d- s+:+ a- C+(++) UL P L++ E-(E) W++ N+ o? K- w? O? M V? PS+++ PE- Y+ PGP+ t 5? X R !tv b DI-- D- G- e+++ h r++ y+ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------