26 May
26 May
At 13:22 +0200 26-05-2003, Matias Sundman (EAB) wrote:
Hi, Is it possible to get support from SuSE staff if one wants to port a SuSE Linux Kernel towards a Motorola PPC 8270 board?
The 8270 is much like the 8260 series I think, shouldn't be too hard. Is it for an embedded project? You should get on the linuxppc lists (look at linuxppc.org)
Is there any good "How-To:s" out there that describes how a porting 'job' like the above is perfromed?
'Porting' should not be necessary, you might have to adapt a little bit and add some driver code cheers, Jaap-Jan
Cheers // Matias