Hi, There are a variety of reasons for these symptoms and most of them involve or are related to fonts. Here are some things to check or try: 1. make use xlsatoms has a keyboard atom (some menus have key combinations associated with them and if X11can't find the right section in your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 the problem atoms for that resource are missing and OO bombs. to check this please try: [kbhend@localhost xmlhelp]$ xlsatoms | grep -i keyboard 80 KEYBOARD You should see the same thing. If you don't you may be missing a the proper "keyboard" section in your XF86Config-4 file. 2. Make sure you are using a version of XFree86 4.1.0 that fixes a bug in the libXrender. Olaf is aware of this patch and SuSE probably already included the patche XFreee86 4.1.0 3. If you are using XFree86 4.1.99 there are some issues there that won't be fixed until the next release. 4. Corrupt fonts are presetn on the system (try the OO font pull down menu, if that segfaults, you probably have some corrupt fonts. Remove all of your Type1 and Truetype fonts from your font path and try adding them back one by one until you find the culprit. My bet is Number 1 but that is a complete wag! Kevin On December 12, 2001 01:47, Joss Winn wrote:
Again, the latest version of Open Office crashes as soon as I click on the menu bar (not icons but on 'file' for example). This occured in the last release that came with SuSE 7.3PPC.
Is anyone else experiencing this? In this state, it is unusuable for me.
All advice appreciated.
thanks joss