I tried that too (removing the first backslash), still says "no such file." It can't be because I'm behind a router with IP address And router at 192.1681.1 ..... Could it? -ms Sometime around 11:25 PM -0500 on 11/2/02, Alex Horvath pounded out this ditty:
Leave the / off the path.
Had to do this for the installer, so it might work here.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Marc Stergionis" <stermarc@mac.com> To: "BJORKMAN MARTIN" <MARTIN.BJORKMAN@SiemensSG.com>; "SuSE List" <suse-ppc@suse.com> Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 5:28 PM Subject: RE: [suse-ppc] ftp server?
I've gotten to the ftp server for an install, but when asked for a directory, no matter whether I type
/pub/suse/ppc/7.3 /pub/suse/suse/ppc/7.3 /pub/suse/ppc/current /pub/suse/suse/ppc/current
I have been getting "no such file."
What's the install directory?
-- Many have Montana envy ... the lucky get to live here! Marc Stergionis Community Relations & website author Benefis Healthcare -- http://www.benefis.org "Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of my employer"