Hello, I am running PPC version of SuSE7.1 on a G4 powermac and was wondering if anyone would know of a way to control the bios on the powermac so when the power is interupted, the machine will just restart automatically when power is returned? I have a PDU power cycling unit hooked up to the G4, so when/if the machine crashes, I can cycle the power remotely. Unfortunately at this moment when the power is turned off on the machine, then turned back on, the machine will not startup unless the power button is pressed :( Also, the G4 has been experiencing intermittent lockups during the past week (Machine has been up and running for several months). All it is running that is being used is mysql. My guess is that the lockups are probably related to memory chip problems...any ideas? Cheers, - Trevor |Trevor Jennings |Programmer/System Administrator |MaineToday.com - Division of Blethen Maine Newspapers |Email: trevj@portland.com |ICQ: 656540 Phone: (207) 822 4070