Stuff I'm pretty sure is done right: 4 partitions: about 6GB HFS+ for MacOS 40MB HFS for booting Linux 128MB AUX Swap for Swap about 3GB AUX for Linux After that it kind of goes to pot. tried following directions from CD#1 - copy Suseboot to boot partition, set that as the Startup drive, and then reboot while holding c to boot of CD#1 That didn't work so well - screen goes properly black, penguin appears at top left, and a lot of text comes up saying it is doing stuff. One of the things that comes up says something to the effect that USB isn't working. It does keep trying to do stuff but eventually a blue/gray dialog comes up asking to make sure that the CD is in. That CD is definately in there. Since it doesn't see the CD nothing happens. Also tried reading the manual - this was frustrating since the manual, the readme, and the docs I printed off the support database on yaboot all say slightly different things. Using all of the Docs, and a Linux knowledgeable friend I tried setting yaboot up manually - no real joy there either. Is there one place with a unified set of installation instructions? Is my extremely new iMac too new for Suse PPC 6.4? Cameron .:. -- -- This mirror will show you your enemies. Cameron Bales .:. Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada work: (506)-364-1097 http://www.tantramar.com/ home: (506) 536-3613 http://i.am/cameronbales ---- The current decade shall be known as "The Naughties" ----