Heinz, I have no idea what that would be for. I used to work in tech support at Apple, though, and I do remember that around the time of 7.6.X there was a special patch for the Performa 6400's to handle some sort of scsi flakiness. That was a long time ago, so I've forgotten what it was all about, but I seem to recollect that the flakiness related to scsi devices not showing up on the chain rather than the computer crashing, etc. Perhaps this is some update to address that hardware-related issue? Seth Heinz Nabielek wrote:
What is ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/ppc/update/BETA/devel/machines/apple_performa640 0_200/ meant for?
It does not contain anything, but SuSE 6.4 for PowerPC is running fine on my Performa 6400/200-
except that I cannot emulate middle/right mouse buttons. Heinz