Hi, I am trying to get KDE2.2.2 working on my G3 powerbook Firewire running Suse 7.0 ppc. All the rpms from Suse.de's website are installed and all dependency problems solved (done in Fvwm2). After the installation I modified /opt/kde/share/config and added "kde2" as choice in the session type menu. I then exited Fvwm2, and in kdm logged in as user choosing kde2. KDE2 seems to start (background changes to a lighter blue/grey background), stays there shortly, then terminates and single user mode comes up which is immediately starting kdm again. Thinking that I might not have configured some configuration file, I was executing /sbin/SuSEconfig in single user mode. But that did not bring about any improvement, KDE2 still terminates exactly as before. I had the same problem when I wanted to get KDE2.2.1 running earlier this fall. So far I have been using KDE1 (version that came with Suse 7.0 CDs) which seems to do just fine, but would like to update for KDEOffice. At this point I have no clue how to go on. I might just not have performed a necessary step. If not, is there any possibility to find out at exactly which point KDE2 is terminating to get a hint as to what to do next? Does anyone know what is going on? Please answer newbie-friendly! Thanks! Jutta -- ____________________________________ Jutta Buschbom University of Chicago Field Museum of Natural History Committee on Evolutionary Biology Botany Department 1025 E. 57th Street, Culver Hall, Rm. 402 1400 South Lake Shore Drive Chicago, IL 60637, USA Chicago, IL 60605, USA Tel: (312) 665 7846 Tel: (773) 702 4697 Fax: (312) 665 7158 Fax: (773) 702 4699 email: jbuschbo@midway.uchicago.edu email: jbuschbom@fmnh.org