Olaf, you wrote:
On Mon, Aug 14, Ype Kingma wrote:
I installed 6.4 on a beige G3 on its internal harddisk. Everything went fine, except that I gave the swap partition only 1 MB the first time, so I had to start all over again. Also the graphical setup of Yast2 consistently hangs at 75% during initialisation..., but after a reboot I could do get almost everything right using the text mode yast.
Do you have an internal ZIP drive? It hangs while reading the partitiontable if there is no disk in it. Known bug.
I have an external zip drive (scsi) without a disk in it. I'll disconnect the scsi chain and try again.
I tried connecting my SupraExpress 28.8 and autodecting it using Yast. It almost worked once, but I gave it a wrong telephone number, and it continued to try to connect while getting busy tones. I had to ctrl-C out of it, probably leaving the modem in some weird state, because I could not get it to connect again, even autodetection failed.
Turning the modem off and on again should fix that problem.
I tried, but it would not work. I am using this modem from MacOS 8.1 on the same machine.
What init strings work for a SupraExpress 28.8, or where can I try to find them?
What strings/modemscript do you use in MacOS? Use BBEdit Lite (as example) to extract the string. The scripts can be found in systemfolder:extensions:modemscripts.
Good question. FreePPP did the work in 7.6.1 on my Performa 6320. On my G3 Apple's PPP needed to be informed that it is a Supra 28.8, it works like it's been doing for at least 4 years. Under 7.6.1 I had no way to find out about the initstrings. I'll check the modemscripts you indicated, but I will have to copy BBEdit Lite from the 6320 first. Where would I be without plain old Appletalk between the G3 and the 6320? It works, but very, _very_ sslloowwllyy.
Gruss Olaf
-- $ man clone
BUGS Main feature not yet implemented... However, computers seem to be changing that, too.
Thanks a lot, Ype