How do I set Dvorak keyboard emulation in SuSE 3.7? Currently I am stuck in USA/English Qwerty. I'm on a PowerBook G3 bronze, pre Firewire. Sax2 and Yast2 warn me that my system is set to Xfree86 v3 because my video card is not compatible with Xfree86 v4 and that I should therefore configure with Sax: /usr/X11R6/bin/sax But my standard SuSE 3.7 installation does not have sax there, only sax2 and a file 'sax.sh' that opens sax2 when I open it, judging from the sax2 graphic in the resulting window. When I activate and set Dvorak in KDE's: Preferences > Peripherals > Keyboard, I get a totally b*a*n*a*n*a*s keyboard. Maybe that is because there is no Mac keyboard model available in the pop up menu there. So I reset that control panel to its original '[] Disable keyboard layouts' setting and return to Qwerty. How do I set Dvorak keyboard emulation in SuSE 3.7? Please help, Roger :-) trapped in Qwerty