Hi, Thinking about getting the 7.3 ppc for a Titanium 550mhz (the new ones), but would like to know if somebody else already tried to install it on similar hardware (the Ti 550 is not in the supported HW list...). It seems there is nobody @ suse owning a Ti... So I would be happy to play as a beta tester (but not to pay 150DM to order software that could eventuall not work...). If you (SuSE) are interested and send me some CD's (or iso files of the first cd) of the 7.3, I would then write a full rapport for www.linux-laptop.org, which would make some more publicity for suse... :) Thanks in advance! Olivier -- _________________________________________________________________ Olivier Mueller - om@8304.ch - PGPkeyID: 0E84D2EA - Switzerland qmail projects: http://omail.omnis.ch - http://webmail.omnis.ch