On Tue, Jun 26, 2001 at 12:34:03PM +0200, Olaf Hering wrote:
When just replacing the libXft.so.1.0 library, I start up Konqueror and get this error:
konqueror: ERROR: ERROR 3: couldn't create slave : can't talk to klauncher kio (KIOJob): Job::showErrorDialog parent=[Null pointer] konqueror: KonqMainWindow::slotRunFinished() konqueror: KonqView::slotCanceled
Konqueror loads but does not show any of my home directory.
If I install qt-experimental, which I believe is necessary for A-A fonts, then I get this error:
19:14 joss:~ $ konqueror konqueror: error while loading shared libraries: /opt/kde2/lib/libkdeui.so.3: undefined symbol: styleChange__8QToolBarR6QStyle 19:14 joss:~ $
sounds like a kde bug.
OK. The only problem is now that after reinstalling the xshare rpm again (which libXft.so.1.0 is from), KDE continues to give me the error, even though I have returned everything to it's original state. All I did was replace that one library with your new one and when it didn't work, I installed the rpm again. Now, with the previous library in, it still gives me the same error. Basically, Konqueror is fscked right now ;) -- http://www.josswinn.org