Running it on a triple booting Lombard 333MHz (OS 9, OSX, Suse 7.0). I've read up alot of Red Hat/ PC based security how toos but still having problems figuring out if I've actually nailed down the holes. There is just enough difference in where specific config files are loacted to get a newbie like me lost. My security goals 1. Removal of all server/remote access related functions. Its strictly a portable workstation.I want to lock down ftp access to be done only be sitting at the machine. 2. The only exceptions are of course email, web access and SSH. (SSH will only be used to access other machines FROM the lap top. It should not accept any SSH remote connections 3. Set up a firewall (Thinking of starting with PMfirewall). Got gobs of info on this. I'm also looking for a site like that does portscans etc.. of linux systems and gives a security profile. ( described my machines as ultra secure with a non sured installed which makes me thing that it works only for windows machines. Right not all I'm looking for is suse ppc spesific tips on securing the machines aka what config files should I use to remove service I don't want and where they are located. thanx