[opensuse-packaging] Package versions compared to current versions

Hi, Christoph asked me to cross check my packagehunter db against the current Factory states... Here it is. (Usual remarks apply, its a heuristic and its the maintainers responsibility.) Ciao, Marcus Maintainer Crypto Package In Factory In DB -------------------------------------------------------------------------- abeekhof yes openais 0.80.3 0.90 adrian dar 2.3.6 2.3.8 adrian perl-Text-Iconv 1.4 1.7 adrian yes ntfsprogs 1.13.1 2.0.0 anicka perl-Array-Compare 1.15 1.16 anicka perl-BerkeleyDB 0.34 0.35 anicka perl-Class-Autouse 1.29 1.99_02 anicka perl-Convert-ASN1 0.21 0.22 anicka perl-Date-Calc 5.4 5.5.1 anicka perl-DBD-ODBC 1.16 1.17 anicka perl-GDGraph 1.44 1.44_01 anicka perl-Glib 1.183 1.200 anicka perl-Gtk2 1.183 1.200 anicka perl-IO-Multiplex 1.09 1.10 anicka perl-IO-Socket-INE 2.54 2.55 anicka perl-IO-Socket-SSL 1.15 1.16_3 anicka perl-libwww-perl 5.814 5.816 anicka perl-MIME-Lite 3.01 3.021 anicka perl-Parse-RecDesc 1.94 v1.95.1 anicka perl-PlRPC 0.2019 0.2020 anicka perl-TermReadKey 2.30 2.30.01 anicka perl-XML-Bare 0.30 0.271 anicka perl-XML-LibXML 1.66 1.62001 anicka perl-XML-XSLT 0.48 0.50_1 anicka rrdtool 1.3.2 1.3.3 anicka webalizer 2.20 2.20-01 anosek doxygen 1.5.6 1.5.7 anosek gd 2.0.36.RC1 2.0.36RC1 anosek gpm 1.20.1 1.99.7 anosek pdns 1018 bg links 2.1pre30 2.1pre35 bg ntop 3.3 3.3.7 bnc-team-java bcel 5.1 5.2 bnc-team-java castor 0.9.5 bnc-team-java gjdoc 0.7.8 0.7.9 bnc-team-java gnu-getopt 1.0.10 1.0.12 bnc-team-java itext 1.3 2.1.3 bnc-team-java jakarta-commons-la 0.9 1.1 bnc-team-java jakarta-commons-lo 1.0.4 1.1 bnc-team-java jaxen 1.0_FCS 1.1.1 bnc-team-java jedit 4.2 4.3pre7 bnc-team-java jfreechart 1.0.5 1.0.11 bnc-team-java regexp 1.3 1.4 bnc-team-java saxon 6.5.5 bnc-team-java wsdl4j 1.5.1 1.6.2 bnc-team-java xerces-j2 2.8.1 2.9.0 bnc-team-java xml-commons 1.3.02 1.3.03 bnc-team-java xom 1.0_FCS 1.2b1 bnicholes ganglia-monitor-co 2.5.7 3.1.1 (Wien) BPhilips libv4l 0.4.0 0.5.0 BPhilips xclip 0.08 0.11 bwalle tig 0.11 0.12 bwhiteley sblim-cmpi-devel 1.0.4 1.0.5 cgriffin yes xen-tools 3.3.1_18412_02 3.9 CrRodriguez horde 3.1.4 H3 CrRodriguez imp 4.1.4 H3 cthiel mplayerplug-in 3.55 v3.55 cwh perl-Apache-AuthCo 3.10 3.12_01 cwh perl-CGI-Applicati 4.11 4.19_1 cwh perl-YAML 0.65 0.66 daniel.rahn gnet 2.0.7 2.0.8 daniel.rahn gurlchecker 0.10.2 0.10.2+%28stabl dkukawka releaseforge 1.1 1.3 dkukawka yakuake 2.8.1 2.9.4 duwe squashfs 3.2 squashfs3.4 duwe yes grub 0.97 1.96 erik.hamera memtester 4.0.5 4.0.8 freitag gocr 0.41 0.43 freitag ocrad 0.17 0.18-pre3 froh cook 2.25 2.31 garloff ddrescue 1.14_0.0.6 1.9-pre1 gnome-maintainers anjuta 2.23.91 2.24.0 gnome-maintainers cairo 1.7.4 1.8.0 gnome-maintainers devhelp 0.20 0.21 gnome-maintainers eel 2.23.92 2.24.0 gnome-maintainers gconf2 2.23.2 2.24.0 gnome-maintainers gconfmm 2.22.0 2.24.0 gnome-maintainers gedit 2.23.93 gedit+2.20.0 gnome-maintainers glib 1.2.10 2.18.1 gnome-maintainers gnome-desktop 2.23.92 2.24.0 gnome-maintainers gq 1.2.3 1.3.3 gnome-maintainers gthumb 2.10.9 2.10.10 gnome-maintainers gtk2 2.14.1 2.14.3 gnome-maintainers gtkhtml2 3.23.92 3.25.20080929 gnome-maintainers gucharmap 2.23.91 2.24.0 gnome-maintainers libbonobo 2.23.1 2.24.0 gnome-maintainers libbonoboui 2.23.5 2.24.0 gnome-maintainers libgail-gnome 1.20.0 1.20.1 gnome-maintainers libglademm 2.6.6 2.6.7 gnome-maintainers libgnome 2.23.92 2.24.1 gnome-maintainers libgnomedb 3.1.2 3.99.3 gnome-maintainers libgnomemm 2.22.0 2.24.0 gnome-maintainers libgnomeprint 2.18.4 2.18.5 gnome-maintainers libgnomeprintui 2.18.2 2.18.3 gnome-maintainers libgnomeui 2.23.90 2.24.0 gnome-maintainers libgnomeuimm 2.22.0 2.24.0 gnome-maintainers libgtop 2.23.90 2.24.0 gnome-maintainers librsvg 2.22.2 2.22.3 gnome-maintainers libwnck 2.23.92 2.24.0 gnome-maintainers libxml++ 2.23.3 2.24.0 gnome-maintainers no gimp 2.4.7 2.5.4 gnome-maintainers no nautilus 2.23.92 2.24.0 gnome-maintainers ntfs-3g 1.2712 1.2918SR.1 gnome-maintainers pango 1.21.6 1.22.0 gnome-maintainers poppler 0.8.7 0.9.2 gnome-maintainers system-config-prin 1.0.7 1.0.8 gnome-maintainers tomboy 0.11.3 0.12.0 gnome-maintainers vte 0.17.3 0.17.4 gnome-maintainers xchat-gnome 0.16 0.18 gnome-maintainers yes aqbanking 2.3.3 3.7.2 gnome-maintainers yes epiphany 2.23.91 gnome-maintainers yes evolution 2.23.92+r36353 2.25.20080929 gnome-maintainers yes evolution-data-ser 2.23.92 2.25.20080929 gnome-maintainers yes gnome-panel 2.23.92 2.24.0 gnome-maintainers yes gnome-vfs2 2.23.0 2.24.0 gnome-maintainers yes gnucash 2.2.4 2.2.5 gnome-maintainers yes gwenhywfar 2.6.2 3.4.1 gnome-maintainers yes libsoup 2.23.92 2.24.0 hare iscsitarget 0.4.15 0.4.16 HFiguiere asio 1.0.0 1.2.0 (Stable) hmacht splashy 0.3.8 0.3.11 hvogel courier-imap 4.3.1 4.4.0 hvogel kio_ipodslave 0.8.pre2 ipodslave-0.8-p hvogel libgpod 0.4.2 0.6.0 hvogel obexftp 0.22 0.23 hvogel pdsh 2.16 2.17 JJohnny openchange 0.7 1.0 jmatejek docutils 0.4 0.5 jmatejek epydoc 3.0.1 3.0 beta jmatejek pybliographer 1.2.11 1.3.4 jmatejek python-twisted 8.0.1 8.1.0 jmatejek yes BitTorrent 4.0.4 5.0.9 jmatejek yes python 2.6rc2 2.6b1 jmatejek yes python-openssl 0.7 0.7a2 JShi yes openssl 0.9.8h 0.9.8i jsmeix hplip 2.8.7 2.8.9 jsmeix lprng 3.8.28 3.8.29-RC1 jsmeix xsane 0.995 0.996 jw perl-DBD-Oracle 1.21 1.22 jw perl-Prima 1.24 1.26 kde-maintainers digikam 0.9.4 0.10.0-beta3 (K kde-maintainers digikamimageplugin 0.9.4 0.9.4-rc2 kde-maintainers exiv2 0.17.1 0.18-pre1 kde-maintainers kchmviewer 3.1 4.0beta3 kde-maintainers kmobiletools 0.5_beta1 kde-maintainers kmymoney 0.8.9 0.9.2 kde-maintainers kradio 1.0beta3b_20060 snapshot-2006-1 kde-maintainers krusader 1.99.1.svn6082 2.0.0-beta1 kde-maintainers ktorrent 3.1.2 3.1.3 kde-maintainers smb4k 0.9.6 0.10.0 kde-maintainers yes amarok 1.4.10 2 Alpha(1.86-83 kde-maintainers yes kvpnc 0.9.0 0.9.1-rc1 kde-maintainers yes scribus 1.3.4 ke dita-ot DITA Open Toolk kkaempf tulip 3.0.0 3.0.2 kkeil hylafax 4.4.4 5.2.7 kkeil isdngw 0.3.4 0.3.5 kkeil no ekiga 2.0.12 3.0.0 kkeil opal 2.2.11 2.4.0 kkeil sfftobmp 3.1.1 sfftobmp_3_1_2 kkeil sffview 0.4 sffview_0_4 kkeil yes pwlib 1.10.10 1.12.0 kssingvo html2text 1.3.2a 1.6.1 kssingvo yes lynx 2.8.6 2.8.7dev.7 LDai iozone 3.0.8 3.287 LMichnovic amanda 2.6.0p2 LMichnovic djvulibre 3.5.21 4.2 LMichnovic id3lib 3.8.3 3.8.3-2 LMichnovic mtr 0.73 0.74 LMichnovic sk1 0.9.0.rev%{svnr 0.9pre2 LMichnovic yes licq 1.3.6-rc1 lmuelle bogofilter 1.1.1 1.1.7 lmuelle howto 2004.1.25 2007.1.1 lmuelle perl-Clone 0.18 0.29 lmuelle perl-Data-UUID 0.148 1.148 lmuelle perl-Locale-Makete 0.62 0.68 lmuelle perl-PDF-API2 0.66 0.71.001 lmuelle perl-PerlIO-via-dy 0.12 0.13 lnussel lbdb 0.35.1 0.36 matz gperf 3.0.2 3.0.3 matz no gcc 4.3 4.3.2 Mauro vala 0.3.3 0.3.5 max itk 3.4 3.6 max perl-DBD-Pg 2.10.3 2.10.7 mc cracklib 2.8.12 2.8.13 mc perl-RPC-XML 0.60 0.64 mc yes pam_mount 0.47 0.48 mfabian culmus 0.101 0.102 mfabian dejavu 2.26 2.27 mfabian fontforge 20080429 20080927 mfabian mlterm 2.9.4 mfabian uim 1.2.1 1.5.3 mkoenig e2fsprogs 1.41.1 v1.41.0 mkudlvasr lftp 3.6.3 3.7.3 mls openslp 1.2.0 2.0.beta1 mls perl-Socket6 0.18 0.22 mls yes popt 1.7 1.14 mls yes rpm 5.1.4 mmarek yes mysql 5.0.67 6.0.5 mrueckert alsamodular 1.8.7 1.8.8-rc2 mrueckert Modules 3.1.6 3.2.6 mrueckert mpich 1.2.7p1 3.1 mrueckert perl-Config-Genera 2.33 2.40 mrueckert perl-YAML-Syck 0.95 1.05 mrueckert yes net-snmp 5.4.2 5.4 source code mrueckert yes perl-SNMP 5.4.2 5.0400001 ms perl-NetAddr-IP 4.004 4.010 mszeredi fusepod 0.5.2 v0.5.2 mszeredi no fuse 2.7.2 2.7.4 mszeredi rlog 1.3.7 1.4 mt rsyslog 3.18.3 3.21.4 mt strongswan 4.2.6 4.2.7 nadvornik ImageMagick 6.4.4 nadvornik mtx 1.3.11 1.3.12 nadvornik netpbm 10.26.44 10.35 nadvornik perl-PerlMagick 6.40 nadvornik slrn 0.9.9p1 nadvornik wv 1.2.2 1.2.4 nadvornik xdg-menu 0.2 1.4 nadvornik yes freetype 1.3.1 2.3.5 nadvornik zisofs-tools 1.0.6 1.0.8 olh yes mol 0.9.72_pre2 olh yes viewvc 1.0.5 1.0.6 ories bonnie++ 1.02 1.94 PGajdos kamix 0.0.7e 0.6.6 PGajdos yodl 1.31.18 2.12.1 pkirsch perl-Proc-Fork 0.61 0.71 poeml aria2 0.15.1+1 0.15.3 prusnak gammu 1.20.0 1.20.94 prusnak sudo 1.6.9p17 1.6.9p9 prusnak vlock 1.4 2.2.2 prusnak xgnokii 0.6.26 20071124+%28gno prusnak yes psi 0.12 Psi-0.11 prusnak yes wireshark 1.0.3 1.1.0 pth armagetron pth easytag 2.0 2.1.6 pth nasm 2.03.90 2.04rc1 pth perl-Class-Inspect 1.18 1.23 pth perl-File-HomeDir 0.66 0.81 pth perl-Getopt-Mixed 1.09 1.10 pth perl-Module-Plugga 3.5 3.8 pth perl-Wx 0.17 0.86 pth yasm 0.6.2 0.7.1 PUzel fetchmail 6.3.9-rc2 PUzel lib3ds 1.3.0 2.0.0-rc1 PUzel yes xpdf 3.02 3.02pl2 ro ffmpeg 0.4.9_SVN15342 1 ro siproxd 0.7.0 0.7.1 samba-maintainers yes samba 3.2.4 3.3.0 sbrabec ftgl 2.1.3~rc5 sbrabec gmime 2.2.22 2.4.0 sbrabec hugin 0.7 beta 4 sbrabec libmspack 0.0.20060920alp 20060920 sbrabec libpano 2.9.12 libpano12-2.8.6 sbrabec mozplugger 1.10.2 1.11.0 sbrabec nspluginwrapper 1.0.0 1.1.0 sbrabec recode 3.6 sbrabec yes srtp 1.4.2 1.4.4 schubi checkbot 1.77 1.79 schwab ed 0.2 1.1-rc1 seife cpufrequtils 004 005 sndirsch lincity-ng 1.1.2 1.92.beta sndirsch smalltalk 3.0.4 3.0c snwint syslinux 3.63 3.72 stefan.fent bochs 2.2.1 2.3.pre3 stephan.barth e3 2.6.3 2.7.1 stephan.barth glabels 2.0.4 2.2.3 TGoettlicher kpackagekit 0.1 0.1-b4 tiwai alsa-tools 1.0.17 1.0.17.git20080 tiwai fftw 2.1.5 3.2alpha3 tiwai gwc 0.21.07 0.21-08 (beta) tiwai snd 9.8 10.0 tiwai solfege 3.10.3 3.10.4 tiwai speex 1.2rc1 tpatzig perl-Mail-Sendmail 0.79 0.79_16 ug perl-Class-MethodM 2.11 2.12 ug perl-SOAP-Lite 0.710.08 v0.71.03 ug perl-Text-CSV_XS 0.41 0.54 ug perl-Unix-Syslog 0.100 1.1 ug yes perl-Crypt-SSLeay 0.57 0.57_01 uli archmage 0.0.6 0.1.9 uli nexuiz 1.2.1 2.4 varkoly dhcpcd 3.2.3 4.0.1 varkoly perl-Mail-DKIM 0.30.1 0.32 varkoly razor-agents 2.84 2.85 werner clisp 2.44.1 2.46 werner emacs 22.3 23.0.60_cvs2008 werner gnuplot 4.2.3 4.2.4 werner vacation werner yes mutt 1.5.17 1.5.18 wolfgang.engel hatari 0.50 v1.0.1 xfce-maintainers thunar-volman 0.1.2 0.2.0 xwhu qterm 0.4.0pre3 0.5.2 -- Working, but not speaking, for the following german company: SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nuernberg) -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+help@opensuse.org

Hi, Marcus Meissner wrote:
kssingvo html2text 1.3.2a 1.6.1
Can you please adapt your script for this case? The first version is a C program, which is on our distribution, the later version is about a PHP Class with different use, and which is not in the distribution. The C program was AFAIK first avail. Please ignore this special case in your script. Thanks in advance. Regards, Klaus. -- Klaus Singvogel - Maxfeldstr. 5 - 90409 Nuernberg - Germany Phone: +49-911-74053-0 GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D 1994-06-27 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nuernberg) -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+help@opensuse.org

Am Mittwoch 01 Oktober 2008 11:34:31 schrieb Klaus Singvogel:
Can you please adapt your script for this case?
The same discussion everytime? :) Nothing is perfect, this is a service free of charge from Marcus for us, so please don't ask him to spend more time on it to iron out false positives that are trivial to double check and ignore for the affected maintainer. Greetings, Dirk -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+help@opensuse.org

Le mercredi 01 octobre 2008, Dirk Mueller a écrit :
Am Mittwoch 01 Oktober 2008 11:34:31 schrieb Klaus Singvogel:
Can you please adapt your script for this case?
The same discussion everytime? :) Nothing is perfect, this is a service free of charge from Marcus for us, so please don't ask him to spend more time on it to iron out false positives that are trivial to double check and ignore for the affected maintainer.
It's probably even "more trivial" for Marcus to add the package to an ignore list and never again send a warning about it. This will make his script faster and will improve the SNR. Thanks, -- Jean Delvare Suse L3 -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+help@opensuse.org

On Wed, Oct 01, 2008 at 03:23:46PM +0200, Jean Delvare wrote:
Le mercredi 01 octobre 2008, Dirk Mueller a écrit :
Am Mittwoch 01 Oktober 2008 11:34:31 schrieb Klaus Singvogel:
Can you please adapt your script for this case?
The same discussion everytime? :) Nothing is perfect, this is a service free of charge from Marcus for us, so please don't ask him to spend more time on it to iron out false positives that are trivial to double check and ignore for the affected maintainer.
It's probably even "more trivial" for Marcus to add the package to an ignore list and never again send a warning about it. This will make his script faster and will improve the SNR.
Done. Ciao, Marcus -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+help@opensuse.org
participants (4)
Dirk Mueller
Jean Delvare
Klaus Singvogel
Marcus Meissner