[opensuse-packaging] Python packages worth working on
Hi guys, if someone wants to work on updating Python packages, here's a list of packages in devel:languages:python for which PyPI tells a different version (including some false positives). The script doesn't expand RPM macros for Version: (which we don't like anyway), so where 'None' is listed, a fix is welcomed too ;-) apptools-4.1.0 available (have 4.0.1) APScheduler-2.0.3 available (have 2.0.2) argh-0.15.1 available (have 0.14.2) aspects-0.1.2 available (have 1.3) Attest-0.5.3 available (have 0.5.2) autopep8-0.6 available (have 0.1.3) billiard- available (have biopython-1.59 available (have 1.58) bitstring-3.0.2 available (have 2.2.0) blinker-1.2 available (have 1.1) boto-2.4.1 available (have 2.3.0) bpython-0.11 available (have 0.10.1) bsddb3-5.3.0 available (have 5.2.0) bzr-2.5.0 available (have 2.4.1) Chameleon-2.8.5 available (have 2.8.3) chardet-1.0.1 available (have 2.0.1) cmdln-1.1.2 available (have None) cmsplugin-markup-0.1-alpha-4 available (have 0.1) cmsplugin-plaintext-0.1.1-alpha-2 available (have 0.1.1) cmsplugin-youtube-0.1.5-alpha-1 available (have 0.1.5) cmsutils-0.6.6 available (have 0.6.5) Coherence-0.6.6 available (have couchdbkit-0.6.2 available (have 0.6.1) coverage-3.5.2 available (have 3.5.1) crammit-0.4 available (have 0.3) cssutils-0.9.10b1 available (have 0.9.9) csvkit-0.4.4 available (have 0.3.0) ctypesgen-0.r125 available (have 0.0+r72) d2to1-0.2.7 available (have 0.2.5) darcsver-1.7.4 available (have 1.7.2) decorator-3.3.3 available (have 3.3.2) Distutils2-1.0a4 available (have 1.0a3) django-adminfiles-0.5.1 available (have 0.5.0) django-ajax-selects-1.2.4 available (have 1.2.3) django-alert-0.6.6 available (have 0.2.2) django-announcements-0.1.2 available (have 0.1.1) django-appconf-0.5 available (have 0.4.1) django-chunks-0.1 available (have 0.2) django-configfield-0.1.0-beta available (have 0.1.0) django-confirmation-0.9-pre available (have 0.9) django-countries-1.2 available (have 1.1.1) django-css-2.3.1 available (have 2.1.5) django-disqus-0.4.1 available (have 0.4) django-email-confirmation-0.2 available (have 0.1.4) django-flatblocks-0.6.0 available (have 0.5.1) django-googlecharts-1.0-alpha-1 available (have 1.0) django-harness-1.3.2 available (have 1.3.1) django-imagequery-0.1-dev available (have 0.1) django-inlinetrans-0.4.12bdev-r70 available (have 0.4.12) django-inplaceedit-0.83 available (have 0.82) django-ipyfield-0.1.6 available (have 0.1.4) django-jquery-widgets-0.1.2 available (have 0.1.1) django-json-rpc-0.6.1 available (have 0.1) django-jython-1.3.0 available (have 1.3.0b2) django-keyedcache-1.4-6 available (have 1.4.6) django-lfstheme-0.6.9 available (have 0.7.2) django-livesettings-1.4-11 available (have 1.4.11) django-logicaldelete-1.1b1.dev3 available (have 1.0.1) django-markup-0.4 available (have 0.3) django-messages-0.4.4 available (have 0.4.3) django-multidb-router-0.5 available (have 0.3) django-object-links-0.1.6-alpha-1 available (have 0.1.6) django-oembed-0.1.3 available (have 0.1.1) django-openstack-0.4 available (have 601fc1b) django-profile-0.0.3 available (have 0.7) djangorecipe-1.2.1 available (have 1.2) django-registration-0.8 available (have 0.7) djangorestframework-0.3.3 available (have 0.3.1) django-rsscloud-0.1 available (have 0.1.1) django-social-auth-0.6.9 available (have 0.6.8) django-sorting-0.1 available (have 0.1.1) django-sphinx-2.2.4 available (have 2.2.3) django-taggit-templatetags-0.4.6dev available (have 0.2.5) django-threadedcomments-0.5.3 available (have 0.5.2) django-threaded-multihost-1.4-1 available (have 1.4.1) django-timezones-0.2 available (have 0.1.4) django-typogrify-1.3 available (have 1.2.2) django-uni-form-0.9.0 available (have 0.8.0) django-urldecorators-0.3 available (have 0.2) django-xmlrpc-0.1.4 available (have 0.1) dnspython-1.10.0 available (have 1.9.4) dpkt-1.6 available (have 1.7) dulwich-0.8.5 available (have 0.8.0) Durus-3.8 available (have 3.9) easy-thumbnails-1.0.1 available (have 1.0) elementtidy-1.0-20050212 available (have 1.0) elementtree-1.2.6-20050316 available (have 1.2.6) entrypoint2-0.0.6 available (have 0.0.5) event-0.4.2 available (have 0.3) eyeD3-0.6.17 available (have 0.6.18) feedcache-1.4 available (have 1.3.1) feedparser-5.1.2 available (have 5.1.1) Flask-Cache-0.4.0 available (have 0.3.4) Flask-SQLAlchemy-0.16 available (have 0.15) flup-1.0.3.dev-20110405 available (have 1.0.3.dev_20110405) formatflowed-1.1.0 available (have 1.0.0) fpconst-0.7.2 available (have 0.7.3) gdata-2.0.17 available (have 2.0.16) gevent-0.13.7 available (have 0.13.6) gevent-websocket-0.3.6 available (have 0.3.0) gevent_zeromq-0.2.2 available (have 0.2.0) gmpy-1.15 available (have 1.14) greenlet-0.3.4 available (have 0.3.1) GridDataFormats-0.2.2 available (have 0.2.1) h5py-2.0.0 available (have 2.0.1) Hatta-1.4.5 available (have 1.4.4) httplib2-0.7.4 available (have 0.7.2) icalendar-3.0.1b2 available (have 2.2) ipaddr-2.1.7 available (have 2.1.10) ipcalc-0.5.1 available (have 0.1) ipdb-0.6.1 available (have 0.6) kaa-base-0.99.2dev-384-2b73caca available (have 0.6.0) kaa-display-0.2.0dev-r4567-20111003 available (have 0.1.0) kaa-imlib2-0.3.0dev-r4564-20111003 available (have 0.2.3) kaa-metadata-0.7.8dev-r4569-20111003 available (have 0.7.7) keyring-0.9 available (have 0.8.1) lesscpy-0.9e available (have 0.6) line_profiler-1.0b3 available (have 1.0b2) logilab-common-0.57.1 available (have 0.58.0) lxml-2.3.4 available (have 2.3.3) magic-0.1 available (have 5.11) markdown2-1.4.2 available (have 2.0.3) mayavi-4.2.0 available (have 4.0.0) MDAnalysis- available (have 0.7.4) meliae-0.4.0.final.0 available (have 0.4.0) mongoengine-0.6.10 available (have 0.6.9) netifaces-0.8 available (have 0.5) nexus-0.2.3 available (have 0.2.0) nltk-2.0.1 available (have 2.0.1rc1) nose-exclude-0.1.8 available (have 0.1.7) ntplib-0.1.9 available (have 0.1.5) numarray-1.5.1 available (have 1.5.2) numexpr-2.0.1 available (have 1.4.2) oauth2-1.5.211 available (have 1.5.170) odfpy-0.9.4 available (have 0.9.3) odict-1.5.0 available (have 1.4.4) optcomplete-1.2-devel available (have None) pam-0.1.4 available (have 0.5.0) paramiko- available (have parcon-0.1.25 available (have 0.1.24) passlib-1.6 available (have 1.5.3) pcapy-0.10.3 available (have 0.10.5) PEAK-Rules-0.5a1.dev available (have 0.5a1.dev_r2707) pexpect-2.4 available (have 2.3) pgmagick-0.5.1 available (have 0.4.2) pgu-0.10.6 available (have 0.16) piston-mini-client-0.7.2 available (have 0.6+bzr48) prioritized_methods-0.2.2dev-20110830 available (have 0.2.2dev_20110830) progressbar-2.3-dev available (have 2.3) puka-0.0.5 available (have 0.0.4) py-1.4.8 available (have 1.4.7) pybb-0.1.10 available (have 0.1.3) pycallgraph-0.5.1 available (have 0.3.0) pycurl-7.18.1 available (have 7.19.0) pydot-1.0.28 available (have 1.0.25) pyfits-3.0.7 available (have 3.0.6) pygccxml-0.6.9 available (have 1.0.0) pygit2-0.17.0 available (have 0.16.1) pygraphviz-1.1 available (have 0.99.1) pygtkhelpers-0.4.3 available (have 0.4.2) pyinotify-0.9.3 available (have 0.9.1) pylzma-0.4.4 available (have 0.3.0) pymongo-2.2 available (have 2.1.1) pyOpenSSL-0.13 available (have 0.12) pypi2rpm-0.6.3 available (have 0.5.4) pyquery-1.2.1 available (have 1.1.1) pyrad-2.0 available (have 1.2) pyramid-1.3.2 available (have 1.3b3) pyrasite-2.0 available (have 2.0beta6) pyserial-2.6 available (have 2.5) pysnmp-4.2.2 available (have 4.2.1) pysnmp-apps-0.3.2 available (have 0.3.1) pysnmp-mibs-0.1.3 available (have 0.1.2) pysolr-2.1.0-beta available (have 2.0.15) pyst-0.4.38 available (have 0.2) pytest-2.2.4 available (have 2.2.3) python-gflags-2.0 available (have 1.6) python-memcached-1.48 available (have 1.47) python-novaclient- available (have 2.6.6) pytz-2012c available (have 2012b) PyVTK-0.4.67 available (have 0.4.74) pywbem-0.7.0 available (have 0.7) pywurfl-7.2.1 available (have 7.1.1) pyxattr-0.5.1 available (have 0.5.0) pyxmpp-1.1.2 available (have 1.1.1) pyzmq-2.2.0 available (have 2.1.11) redis-2.4.13 available (have 2.4.11) rednose-0.3.2 available (have 0.2.6) repoze.tm2-1.0 available (have 1.0b2) respite-1.0.0 available (have 0.9) restclient-0.10.2 available (have 0.10.1) rope-0.9.4 available (have 0.9.3) roundup-1.4.20 available (have 1.4.19) rpy2-2.2.6 available (have 2.2.4) rst2pdf-0.91 available (have 0.16) Schevo-3.1.0dev available (have 3.1a1) SchevoDurus-3.1.0dev available (have 3.1a2) ScriptTest-1.2 available (have 1.1.1) setproctitle-1.1.6 available (have 1.1.3) setuptools-0.6c11 available (have 0.6c11.99.r84273) shove-0.4.3 available (have 0.3.0) simplejson-2.5.2 available (have 2.4.0) sleekxmpp-1.0 available (have 0.9+1.0_beta4) slimit-0.7.3 available (have 0.6.2) slumber-0.4.2 available (have 0.4.1) sprox-0.7.2 available (have 0.7rc1) spyder-2.1.9 available (have 2.0.10) SQLObject-1.3.0 available (have 1.2.2) ssh-1.7.14 available (have 1.7.13) sst-0.2.1 available (have 0.2.0) testtools-0.9.15 available (have 0.9.14) tgext.admin-0.5 available (have 0.3.10) tgext.crud-0.5 available (have 0.3.11) TGScheduler-1.6.3 available (have 20091109svn) tlslite-0.4.1 available (have 0.4.0) transaction-1.3.0 available (have 1.2.0) TurboGears2-2.1.5 available (have 2.1.4) tweepy-1.9 available (have 1.7.1) twitter-1.8.0 available (have 0.8.2) unittest-xml-reporting-1.3.2 available (have 1.2) vcs-0.2.2 available (have 0.2.0) watchdog-0.6.0 available (have 0.5.4) WebOb-1.2 available (have 1.2b2) WebTest-1.3.4 available (have 1.3.3) wokkel-0.7.0 available (have 0.6.3) wr-0.2.0 available (have 0.1.4) WTForms-1.0.1 available (have 0.6.3) xattr-0.6.4 available (have 0.6.2) xmldiff-0.6.6 available (have 0.6.10) xmpppy-0.5.0rc1 available (have 0.4.1) zope.interface-4.0.1 available (have 3.8.0) ZSI-2.0-rc3 available (have 2.0_rc3) -- Viele Grüße, Sascha Peilicke
On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 4:38 PM, Sascha Peilicke <saschpe@gmx.de> wrote:
Hi guys,
if someone wants to work on updating Python packages, here's a list of packages in devel:languages:python for which PyPI tells a different version (including some false positives). The script doesn't expand RPM macros for Version: (which we don't like anyway), so where 'None' is listed, a fix is welcomed too ;-)
apptools-4.1.0 available (have 4.0.1) APScheduler-2.0.3 available (have 2.0.2) argh-0.15.1 available (have 0.14.2) aspects-0.1.2 available (have 1.3) Attest-0.5.3 available (have 0.5.2) autopep8-0.6 available (have 0.1.3) billiard- available (have biopython-1.59 available (have 1.58) bitstring-3.0.2 available (have 2.2.0) blinker-1.2 available (have 1.1) boto-2.4.1 available (have 2.3.0) bpython-0.11 available (have 0.10.1) bsddb3-5.3.0 available (have 5.2.0) bzr-2.5.0 available (have 2.4.1) Chameleon-2.8.5 available (have 2.8.3) chardet-1.0.1 available (have 2.0.1) cmdln-1.1.2 available (have None) cmsplugin-markup-0.1-alpha-4 available (have 0.1) cmsplugin-plaintext-0.1.1-alpha-2 available (have 0.1.1) cmsplugin-youtube-0.1.5-alpha-1 available (have 0.1.5) cmsutils-0.6.6 available (have 0.6.5) Coherence-0.6.6 available (have couchdbkit-0.6.2 available (have 0.6.1) coverage-3.5.2 available (have 3.5.1) crammit-0.4 available (have 0.3) cssutils-0.9.10b1 available (have 0.9.9) csvkit-0.4.4 available (have 0.3.0) ctypesgen-0.r125 available (have 0.0+r72) d2to1-0.2.7 available (have 0.2.5) darcsver-1.7.4 available (have 1.7.2) decorator-3.3.3 available (have 3.3.2) Distutils2-1.0a4 available (have 1.0a3) django-adminfiles-0.5.1 available (have 0.5.0) django-ajax-selects-1.2.4 available (have 1.2.3) django-alert-0.6.6 available (have 0.2.2) django-announcements-0.1.2 available (have 0.1.1) django-appconf-0.5 available (have 0.4.1) django-chunks-0.1 available (have 0.2) django-configfield-0.1.0-beta available (have 0.1.0) django-confirmation-0.9-pre available (have 0.9) django-countries-1.2 available (have 1.1.1) django-css-2.3.1 available (have 2.1.5) django-disqus-0.4.1 available (have 0.4) django-email-confirmation-0.2 available (have 0.1.4) django-flatblocks-0.6.0 available (have 0.5.1) django-googlecharts-1.0-alpha-1 available (have 1.0) django-harness-1.3.2 available (have 1.3.1) django-imagequery-0.1-dev available (have 0.1) django-inlinetrans-0.4.12bdev-r70 available (have 0.4.12) django-inplaceedit-0.83 available (have 0.82) django-ipyfield-0.1.6 available (have 0.1.4) django-jquery-widgets-0.1.2 available (have 0.1.1) django-json-rpc-0.6.1 available (have 0.1) django-jython-1.3.0 available (have 1.3.0b2) django-keyedcache-1.4-6 available (have 1.4.6) django-lfstheme-0.6.9 available (have 0.7.2) django-livesettings-1.4-11 available (have 1.4.11) django-logicaldelete-1.1b1.dev3 available (have 1.0.1) django-markup-0.4 available (have 0.3) django-messages-0.4.4 available (have 0.4.3) django-multidb-router-0.5 available (have 0.3) django-object-links-0.1.6-alpha-1 available (have 0.1.6) django-oembed-0.1.3 available (have 0.1.1) django-openstack-0.4 available (have 601fc1b) django-profile-0.0.3 available (have 0.7) djangorecipe-1.2.1 available (have 1.2) django-registration-0.8 available (have 0.7) djangorestframework-0.3.3 available (have 0.3.1) django-rsscloud-0.1 available (have 0.1.1) django-social-auth-0.6.9 available (have 0.6.8) django-sorting-0.1 available (have 0.1.1) django-sphinx-2.2.4 available (have 2.2.3) django-taggit-templatetags-0.4.6dev available (have 0.2.5) django-threadedcomments-0.5.3 available (have 0.5.2) django-threaded-multihost-1.4-1 available (have 1.4.1) django-timezones-0.2 available (have 0.1.4) django-typogrify-1.3 available (have 1.2.2) django-uni-form-0.9.0 available (have 0.8.0) django-urldecorators-0.3 available (have 0.2) django-xmlrpc-0.1.4 available (have 0.1) dnspython-1.10.0 available (have 1.9.4) dpkt-1.6 available (have 1.7) dulwich-0.8.5 available (have 0.8.0) Durus-3.8 available (have 3.9) easy-thumbnails-1.0.1 available (have 1.0) elementtidy-1.0-20050212 available (have 1.0) elementtree-1.2.6-20050316 available (have 1.2.6) entrypoint2-0.0.6 available (have 0.0.5) event-0.4.2 available (have 0.3) eyeD3-0.6.17 available (have 0.6.18) feedcache-1.4 available (have 1.3.1) feedparser-5.1.2 available (have 5.1.1) Flask-Cache-0.4.0 available (have 0.3.4) Flask-SQLAlchemy-0.16 available (have 0.15) flup-1.0.3.dev-20110405 available (have 1.0.3.dev_20110405) formatflowed-1.1.0 available (have 1.0.0) fpconst-0.7.2 available (have 0.7.3) gdata-2.0.17 available (have 2.0.16) gevent-0.13.7 available (have 0.13.6) gevent-websocket-0.3.6 available (have 0.3.0) gevent_zeromq-0.2.2 available (have 0.2.0) gmpy-1.15 available (have 1.14) greenlet-0.3.4 available (have 0.3.1) GridDataFormats-0.2.2 available (have 0.2.1) h5py-2.0.0 available (have 2.0.1) Hatta-1.4.5 available (have 1.4.4) httplib2-0.7.4 available (have 0.7.2) icalendar-3.0.1b2 available (have 2.2) ipaddr-2.1.7 available (have 2.1.10) ipcalc-0.5.1 available (have 0.1) ipdb-0.6.1 available (have 0.6) kaa-base-0.99.2dev-384-2b73caca available (have 0.6.0) kaa-display-0.2.0dev-r4567-20111003 available (have 0.1.0) kaa-imlib2-0.3.0dev-r4564-20111003 available (have 0.2.3) kaa-metadata-0.7.8dev-r4569-20111003 available (have 0.7.7) keyring-0.9 available (have 0.8.1) lesscpy-0.9e available (have 0.6) line_profiler-1.0b3 available (have 1.0b2) logilab-common-0.57.1 available (have 0.58.0) lxml-2.3.4 available (have 2.3.3) magic-0.1 available (have 5.11) markdown2-1.4.2 available (have 2.0.3) mayavi-4.2.0 available (have 4.0.0) MDAnalysis- available (have 0.7.4) meliae-0.4.0.final.0 available (have 0.4.0) mongoengine-0.6.10 available (have 0.6.9) netifaces-0.8 available (have 0.5) nexus-0.2.3 available (have 0.2.0) nltk-2.0.1 available (have 2.0.1rc1) nose-exclude-0.1.8 available (have 0.1.7) ntplib-0.1.9 available (have 0.1.5) numarray-1.5.1 available (have 1.5.2) numexpr-2.0.1 available (have 1.4.2) oauth2-1.5.211 available (have 1.5.170) odfpy-0.9.4 available (have 0.9.3) odict-1.5.0 available (have 1.4.4) optcomplete-1.2-devel available (have None) pam-0.1.4 available (have 0.5.0) paramiko- available (have parcon-0.1.25 available (have 0.1.24) passlib-1.6 available (have 1.5.3) pcapy-0.10.3 available (have 0.10.5) PEAK-Rules-0.5a1.dev available (have 0.5a1.dev_r2707) pexpect-2.4 available (have 2.3) pgmagick-0.5.1 available (have 0.4.2) pgu-0.10.6 available (have 0.16) piston-mini-client-0.7.2 available (have 0.6+bzr48) prioritized_methods-0.2.2dev-20110830 available (have 0.2.2dev_20110830) progressbar-2.3-dev available (have 2.3) puka-0.0.5 available (have 0.0.4) py-1.4.8 available (have 1.4.7) pybb-0.1.10 available (have 0.1.3) pycallgraph-0.5.1 available (have 0.3.0) pycurl-7.18.1 available (have 7.19.0) pydot-1.0.28 available (have 1.0.25) pyfits-3.0.7 available (have 3.0.6) pygccxml-0.6.9 available (have 1.0.0) pygit2-0.17.0 available (have 0.16.1) pygraphviz-1.1 available (have 0.99.1) pygtkhelpers-0.4.3 available (have 0.4.2) pyinotify-0.9.3 available (have 0.9.1) pylzma-0.4.4 available (have 0.3.0) pymongo-2.2 available (have 2.1.1) pyOpenSSL-0.13 available (have 0.12) pypi2rpm-0.6.3 available (have 0.5.4) pyquery-1.2.1 available (have 1.1.1) pyrad-2.0 available (have 1.2) pyramid-1.3.2 available (have 1.3b3) pyrasite-2.0 available (have 2.0beta6) pyserial-2.6 available (have 2.5) pysnmp-4.2.2 available (have 4.2.1) pysnmp-apps-0.3.2 available (have 0.3.1) pysnmp-mibs-0.1.3 available (have 0.1.2) pysolr-2.1.0-beta available (have 2.0.15) pyst-0.4.38 available (have 0.2) pytest-2.2.4 available (have 2.2.3) python-gflags-2.0 available (have 1.6) python-memcached-1.48 available (have 1.47) python-novaclient- available (have 2.6.6) pytz-2012c available (have 2012b) PyVTK-0.4.67 available (have 0.4.74) pywbem-0.7.0 available (have 0.7) pywurfl-7.2.1 available (have 7.1.1) pyxattr-0.5.1 available (have 0.5.0) pyxmpp-1.1.2 available (have 1.1.1) pyzmq-2.2.0 available (have 2.1.11) redis-2.4.13 available (have 2.4.11) rednose-0.3.2 available (have 0.2.6) repoze.tm2-1.0 available (have 1.0b2) respite-1.0.0 available (have 0.9) restclient-0.10.2 available (have 0.10.1) rope-0.9.4 available (have 0.9.3) roundup-1.4.20 available (have 1.4.19) rpy2-2.2.6 available (have 2.2.4) rst2pdf-0.91 available (have 0.16) Schevo-3.1.0dev available (have 3.1a1) SchevoDurus-3.1.0dev available (have 3.1a2) ScriptTest-1.2 available (have 1.1.1) setproctitle-1.1.6 available (have 1.1.3) setuptools-0.6c11 available (have 0.6c11.99.r84273) shove-0.4.3 available (have 0.3.0) simplejson-2.5.2 available (have 2.4.0) sleekxmpp-1.0 available (have 0.9+1.0_beta4) slimit-0.7.3 available (have 0.6.2) slumber-0.4.2 available (have 0.4.1) sprox-0.7.2 available (have 0.7rc1) spyder-2.1.9 available (have 2.0.10) SQLObject-1.3.0 available (have 1.2.2) ssh-1.7.14 available (have 1.7.13) sst-0.2.1 available (have 0.2.0) testtools-0.9.15 available (have 0.9.14) tgext.admin-0.5 available (have 0.3.10) tgext.crud-0.5 available (have 0.3.11) TGScheduler-1.6.3 available (have 20091109svn) tlslite-0.4.1 available (have 0.4.0) transaction-1.3.0 available (have 1.2.0) TurboGears2-2.1.5 available (have 2.1.4) tweepy-1.9 available (have 1.7.1) twitter-1.8.0 available (have 0.8.2) unittest-xml-reporting-1.3.2 available (have 1.2) vcs-0.2.2 available (have 0.2.0) watchdog-0.6.0 available (have 0.5.4) WebOb-1.2 available (have 1.2b2) WebTest-1.3.4 available (have 1.3.3) wokkel-0.7.0 available (have 0.6.3) wr-0.2.0 available (have 0.1.4) WTForms-1.0.1 available (have 0.6.3) xattr-0.6.4 available (have 0.6.2) xmldiff-0.6.6 available (have 0.6.10) xmpppy-0.5.0rc1 available (have 0.4.1) zope.interface-4.0.1 available (have 3.8.0) ZSI-2.0-rc3 available (have 2.0_rc3)
-- Viele Grüße, Sascha Peilicke
I am already working on spyder, simplejson, pygraphviz, pydot, pgmagick, mayavi (and its dependencies), and apptools. -Todd -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+owner@opensuse.org
Hi Todd! On Wed, 2012-05-23 at 17:40 +0200, todd rme wrote:
On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 4:38 PM, Sascha Peilicke <saschpe@gmx.de> wrote:
Hi guys,
if someone wants to work on updating Python packages, here's a list of packages in devel:languages:python for which PyPI tells a different version (including some false positives). The script doesn't expand RPM macros for Version: (which we don't like anyway), so where 'None' is listed, a fix is welcomed too ;-)
I am already working on spyder, simplejson, pygraphviz, pydot, pgmagick, mayavi (and its dependencies), and apptools.
From an initial look at the dependencies of python-mayavi, I also understand that several of the enthought python modules got renamed over
I am sorry, I only just saw this thread but I have already updated python-mayavi in the obs project science to the latest version (4.2.0). I think i could resubmit that to devel:languages:python (d:l:p) if that is fine with you. the last year or six months, but the corresponding packages have not been renamed in the d:l:p project. These include (among probably others):- 1. Traits (python-Traits in d:l:p) -> traits 2. TraitsGUI (python-TraitsGUI in d:l:p) -> traitsui (not sure) I will work on updating these too, but I was wondering if these changes might break other packages. Or, should we do a provides: old-modname for each of these? Thanks and bye. -- Atri -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+owner@opensuse.org
Just wanted to follow that up a bit On Wed, 2012-05-23 at 23:10 +0530, Atri wrote:
Hi Todd!
On Wed, 2012-05-23 at 17:40 +0200, todd rme wrote:
On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 4:38 PM, Sascha Peilicke <saschpe@gmx.de> wrote:
Hi guys,
if someone wants to work on updating Python packages, here's a list of packages in devel:languages:python for which PyPI tells a different version (including some false positives). The script doesn't expand RPM macros for Version: (which we don't like anyway), so where 'None' is listed, a fix is welcomed too ;-)
I am already working on spyder, simplejson, pygraphviz, pydot, pgmagick, mayavi (and its dependencies), and apptools.
I am sorry, I only just saw this thread but I have already updated python-mayavi in the obs project science to the latest version (4.2.0). I think i could resubmit that to devel:languages:python (d:l:p) if that is fine with you.
The submission to science/python-mayavi is https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/121833
From an initial look at the dependencies of python-mayavi, I also understand that several of the enthought python modules got renamed over the last year or six months, but the corresponding packages have not been renamed in the d:l:p project. These include (among probably others):- 1. Traits (python-Traits in d:l:p) -> traits 2. TraitsGUI (python-TraitsGUI in d:l:p) -> traitsui (not sure)
I just checked that TraitsBackendQt (python-TraitsBackendQt in d:l:p) and TraitsBackendWx are now obsolete and packaged together alongwith TraitsGUI in traitsui. Please see the list of tarballs at http://www.enthought.com/repo/ets/ for details. Thanks and bye. -- Atri -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+owner@opensuse.org
On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 7:40 PM, Atri <badshah400@aim.com> wrote:
Hi Todd!
On Wed, 2012-05-23 at 17:40 +0200, todd rme wrote:
On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 4:38 PM, Sascha Peilicke <saschpe@gmx.de> wrote:
Hi guys,
if someone wants to work on updating Python packages, here's a list of packages in devel:languages:python for which PyPI tells a different version (including some false positives). The script doesn't expand RPM macros for Version: (which we don't like anyway), so where 'None' is listed, a fix is welcomed too ;-)
I am already working on spyder, simplejson, pygraphviz, pydot, pgmagick, mayavi (and its dependencies), and apptools.
I am sorry, I only just saw this thread but I have already updated python-mayavi in the obs project science to the latest version (4.2.0). I think i could resubmit that to devel:languages:python (d:l:p) if that is fine with you.
From an initial look at the dependencies of python-mayavi, I also understand that several of the enthought python modules got renamed over the last year or six months, but the corresponding packages have not been renamed in the d:l:p project. These include (among probably others):- 1. Traits (python-Traits in d:l:p) -> traits 2. TraitsGUI (python-TraitsGUI in d:l:p) -> traitsui (not sure)
I will work on updating these too, but I was wondering if these changes might break other packages. Or, should we do a provides: old-modname for each of these?
Thanks and bye.
I already packaged all of the most recent enthought packages, with renames, I am just working on fixing the builds. -Todd -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+owner@opensuse.org
On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 11:38 AM, Sascha Peilicke <saschpe@gmx.de> wrote:
ipaddr-2.1.7 available (have 2.1.10)
PyPI seems to be lagging re. the official page: http://code.google.com/p/ipaddr-py/downloads/list I'll let the guys at PyPI know. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+owner@opensuse.org
Quoting Sascha Peilicke <saschpe@gmx.de>:
Hi guys,
if someone wants to work on updating Python packages, here's a list of packages in devel:languages:python for which PyPI tells a different version (including some false positives). The script doesn't expand RPM macros for Version: (which we don't like anyway), so where 'None' is listed, a fix is welcomed too ;-)
A short and quick hint (as doubtless a 'bunch' of people will now start working on those). Inslall osc-plugin-collab ! It makes, as the name suggests, COLLABorating easy here. examples: osc collab todo --project devel:languages:python => This lists pretty much the same as the mail from Sascha included (mostly). then you can use osc collab update --proect devel:languages:python <the_pkg_I_want_to_update> ==> collab will branch it, check the sources out, try to download the tarball and prepare some magic for you (trying to identify NEWS files, extracting the diff from previous ones and such). But how does it help the COLLAB part? That's the best of all! collab contains a package reservation system. As soon as you trigger osc collab update, the package is 'reserved' for 36 hours. (collab todo lists those with (r)). Another user trying to 'collab up' will get an info that the package is reserved by another user. Et voila! No more 'several users' updating the same package... Have fun! -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+owner@opensuse.org
Hey, Le mercredi 23 mai 2012, à 15:19 -0400, Dominique Leuenberger a écrit :
A short and quick hint (as doubtless a 'bunch' of people will now start working on those).
Inslall osc-plugin-collab ! It makes, as the name suggests, COLLABorating easy here.
True, except that...
examples: osc collab todo --project devel:languages:python => This lists pretty much the same as the mail from Sascha included (mostly).
then you can use osc collab update --proect devel:languages:python <the_pkg_I_want_to_update> ==> collab will branch it, check the sources out, try to download the tarball and prepare some magic for you (trying to identify NEWS files, extracting the diff from previous ones and such).
... we don't have the URL of the upstream tarballs for most d:l:p packages, so it won't download the new tarball. It's not too hard to fix, though: http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-factory/2011-09/msg00874.html (The 'reservation' system still works, though, and just for that, it's worth using collab) Vincent -- Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressés. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+owner@opensuse.org
if someone wants to work on updating Python packages, here's a list of packages in devel:languages:python for which PyPI tells a different version (including some false positives). The script doesn't expand RPM macros for Version: (which we don't like anyway), so where 'None' is listed, a fix is welcomed too ;-)
[...] lxml-2.3.4 available (have 2.3.3)
I've updated the package to 2.3.4. Thanks to Dominique for the osc collab tip! :) -- Gruß/Regards, Thomas Schraitle ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUSE LINUX Products GmbH (o< Maxfeldstrasse 5 /\\ Documentation Specialist 90409 Nuernberg, Germany _\_v http://www.suse.com http://lizards.opensuse.org/author/thomas-schraitle/ SUSE LINUX GmbH, GF: Jeff Hawn, Jennifer Guild, Felix Imendörffer, HRB 21284 (AG Nürnberg) -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+owner@opensuse.org
participants (7)
Claudio Freire
Dominique Leuenberger a.k.a DimStar
Sascha Peilicke
Thomas Schraitle
todd rme
Vincent Untz