[opensuse-packaging] packaging a library according to Shared_Library_Packaging_Policy
Hi, I'm trying to build a lib properly according to the "Shared Library Packaging Policy". According to this document a lib$NAME$NUM package contains only the shared object itself. Now I want to add some %doc files (like README, COPYING AUTHORS etc.) but I'm not quite sure if i can add the the lib$NAME$NUM rpm. So where do i have to place the %doc files? (i can't find a similar case in the "Exceptions"-section) Thanks in advance. Marcus --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+help@opensuse.org
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---------------------------------------------------------------------To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+unsubscribe@opensuse.orgFor additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+help@opensuse.org
On Thu, 7 Jun 2007, Ladislav Michnovi? wrote:
IMHO if the library is standalone, it has no parent package, the doc could be in the library package as well. In case it is a subpackage of something bigger, the doc should be in the parent package. This is a case of libbzip2-1. The doc files are in the bzip2 package. If I'm wrong, please let me know.
Regards Ladislav.
2007/6/7, Marcus Hüwe <suse-tux@gmx.de>:
I'm trying to build a lib properly according to the "Shared Library Packaging Policy". According to this document a lib$NAME$NUM package contains only the shared object itself. Now I want to add some %doc files (like README, COPYING AUTHORS etc.) but I'm not quite sure if i can add the the lib$NAME$NUM rpm. So where do i have to place the %doc files? (i can't find a similar case in the "Exceptions"-section)
Thanks in advance.
Shared library packages can contain documentation as long as it is placed in the default %doc directory (the one that would be called /usr/share/doc/packages/lib$NAME$NUM/). If it is extensive documentation exceeding license, readme and stuff like that a separate -doc package is recommended. That said, the usual case is that with a shared libaray package there comes at least a -devel package which is another appropriate place to put documentation in. Richard. -- Richard Guenther <rguenther@suse.de> Novell / SUSE Labs SUSE LINUX Products GmbH - Nuernberg - AG Nuernberg - HRB 16746 - GF: Markus Rex
participants (3)
Ladislav Michnovič
Marcus Hüwe
Richard Guenther